Chapter 26

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We're both still on the hospital Gojo is currently packing my clothes and other belongings that have brought here on the hospital from the apartment while I'm inside the room's bathroom to wash myself up before heading back there.

'I wonder what makes him stop treating me miserable like before--the day we met once again back at the homeroom on the University..he acts like the same before when we both used to be together.'

A memory recalls in my head the time when Gojo and I also used to lived together in one apartment he bought when he was still in his University and I was still in High School.Gojo would treat me the same as what he's doing now taking care of things for me even I don't ask for it or told him to back it off but he was stubborn.He looks like a father as what my other high school classmates said before our relationship wasn't official only few people knows about it and that includes Utahime-san and Nanami.

'It was all along Mahito's fault why we both broke up before and now things are getting a bit awkward for me when he's around I don't know if he feels the same awkwardness I have inside..'I let out a heavy sight before washing my face up once again and looked at my reflection on the mirror.

The black spots under my eyes have gone and it looks like I'm back to normal--the same face and same reflection I see on the mirror every time I looked on any of it.After this probably things would go back to normal for me and now that Gojo will be handling another students in another homeroom since Mr.Han is going back and I'm graduating sooner.

"I wonder if we could be friends..nah,probably not that's a jerk move for sure after I didn't let him explain back before.."

"I'm done packing up your clothes,(Y/n)! Let's go!"I heard him calling outside the bathroom as I close the faucet and head out seeing him carrying the bags of mine as I approached him.

"I'll carry the other--"he cut me off.

"Nah-ah,ah! I won't let you carry such things right now especially one of these heavy bags of yours since you just got recovered and you want yourself to get exhausted right away? Typically you,(Y/n)."he said as he drag the bags with him leaving me behind as I followed after.


We're inside on his car right now.Earlier,after Gojo took his receipt from the hospital for my bills I debated that I will pay him back as soon as I get a job once I graduated but he disapproved about it and just laughed it off like I can't pay my hospital bills once I get money,but what I felt right now wasn't actually mad or upset about him it feels like I'm embarrassing myself since I don't want any left charges to him especially that we're going to be apart once again.

'Does he really want this to happen? I mean,does he really want me to feel like this and once we're going be apart again after I got the exact amount of my hospital bills I'll try to find him and pay him off,so that we could see each other again? He wants to see each other again are my calculations,correct?'I thought about it while glancing at him on the driver's seat as I saw he smirk from the rear view mirror in front.

"What are you thinking about while glancing at me? Is there something you need from me?"he said trying to hide his smirk as I rolled my eyes and just give my glance back outside and he suddenly close the windows from the backseat.

"Hey! Put them down!"I shout irritated by what he just did as he let out a chuckle not giving me any glances back.

"I won't until you tell me what was on your mind while looking to my beautiful face."he said with proud on his tone of voice and I groan it out.

"Oh,please! Here we go again talking about your 'beautiful' face."I mimic his voice as he let out another chuckle once again and this time he glance at me using the rear view mirror in front saying.

"Let me guess,you're thinking about Mahito?"he said and from the mention of Mahito's name it seems he got annoyed as I shake my head and luckily his mood changes and cracks a small side smile on his lips before saying.

"Is it about me then? About the hospital bills or perhaps about Mr.Han is going back?"he asks while giving his focus on the road as I let out a sight.

"Both,it's both of them that what I'm thinking about.."I said in my low tone of voice and it was enough of him to hear it as I heard him let out a sight and force a fake smile.

"Don't worry about Mr.Han's come back since I'm still your neighbor next door I'm not planning on going elsewhere especially that we can spend time during Sundays--even not alone."he said jokingly as I rolled my eyes while letting out a low chuckle.

"About the hospital bills..whatever you're thinking about is both wrong and right..also since I've done your favor you must do my favor back,okay?"he added.

"And what might that favor of yours be?"I asks giving him a teasing look but his facial expression changes into something a bit serious.

"Since I'm not going to be around almost every time with you.I want you to stay away as much as possible you can from Mahito or don't go alone with him bring your friends like Itadori,Nobara and Megumi with you..I don't trust that guy at all after what happened to you that you got into the hospital."he said as I didn't give him any reply and just look down hanging my head low.

Yeah,after that I got into the hospital because of those maniac guys from alleys.Both Gojo and Nanami along with Ms.Blossom went to the police about the incident and catch those maniac guys a few days later after they're report to the police finds out that Mahito had connections with them and after Nanami told me about those details Mahito never shows up which really means that he has and he might be the mastermind why I ended up at the hospital 'trying' to scare me as what Gojo told me before.

"(Y/n) did you hear what I said? As a favor in return from what you've asked me just stay away from him don't go alone with him."he said once again as I nod my head twice saying.

"I got it,I got don't have to repeat it.."I said letting out another sight.

"You just don't know how much can Mahito gets crazy when making ideas on his head and how dangerous he can be.."he said in his low tone of voice and from the rear view mirror in front I saw his facial expression changes into worried one.

"Who is the real Mahito,anyway? How dangerous he can really be?"

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