Chapter 29

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Finally,after a week Mahito decided to let me out from his basement as he let me stroll around the house while the doors and windows are shut locked no lights coming from the outside only supported the lights coming from the bulb in the ceiling.

"What kind of movie do you want to watch,(Y/n)? I've bought a lot of genres from the store earlier."Mahito says as I glance at him whom was busy checking out the CD's he bought.

"Let's just go along with something nice to watch—recommend me."I say as he smile and nod his head before picking one of the CD's and play it.

We're having a marathon movie at his living room this morning and he just finished making the popcorn and cola drink which I couldn't excuse myself more to stroll around the area more other than saying to get water.

"I'll be getting something from the kitchen."I said and before I could walk away from the living room I could already felt his cold eyes staring daggers at me as I glance back.

"You already know the rules,right? I wanna make sure since I don't really like repeating this,you know.."he says with a smile as I slightly nod my head.

"The last escaping and I'm just getting a glass of water from the fridge,that's all I'll be back in a minute."I said and luckily he agreed by nodding his head and I proceed my way to the kitchen.

'Just as I thought he's always on his guard whenever I moved just an inch or stare at something for too long around the house.'

I found myself at the kitchen searching for something useful to find my way to escape from this place and head to the nearest police station I could find if ever I could find one and if not I could find someone else's help.

"Damn,he's really that careful,huh? If it was him,he could left something useful for me.."I mumbled to myself and I started to check each cabinets carefully not to make any heavy sounds.

I couldn't find very useful for inside the cabinets was all plates,glasses/mug and such things to use like toilet paper,soap,hair conditioner and more.

'If I could go downstairs back at the basement I could use one of the gears there to find myself escape from here..the door's are hard to open since it's heavy locked with bunch of locks and the windows are also shut because it was barricades using the plank woods and nails which if I can find a hammer or crowbar I could take the barricades off or to make sound by smashing one of the windows to alert someone nearby.

"I only have this day and no more.."I whispered and I immediately take the water jar from the fridge and pour a glass of water to drink it before Mahito could follow after since I can hear footsteps.

"Hmm~"it was Mahito from behind while wrapping his arms around my waist and I could feel his breath as I put the glass down in the sink before giving my glance to Mahito.

"Do you need something? We should start watching the movie."I say as he let go off of me which I could sight in relief and he then dragged me back to the living room as we start to watch.

"No interruptions and no other people—just the two of us."he said with a wide smile as I only nod my head as a response and take the bowl of popcorn with me.


It's almost afternoon and I couldn't find any chances to leave the living room and find my escape I act as if like my attention were all on the TV watching the movie since I could feel Mahito's few glances earlier.


"Who's that?"I ask right away since my attention was caught to the knocking sound coming from the front door and looked at Mahito who seems annoyed.

"Maybe that was just some random things."he said but it was soon after followed with few knocking sounds on the door which he stood up.

"I'll be back don't move,got it?"he said with an annoyed tone of voice as he then soon head to his way to the front door and I quickly made my way down to the basement to find something useful.


After shoving the boxes and ladder away I luckily found what I was looking for and it was a crowbar which is very useful and I quickly made my way upstairs and find one room which is just below the front door and started to take the barricade from the only window of the room.


I manage to take two barricades away from the window which is just enough for me to see what was going on outside and I saw two police offices  with someone I knew.

"Nanami!"I exclaimed as my eyes widened cracking a small smile on my lips when I saw him just outside together with two police officers whom asking Mahito about something which probabaly regarding about me.

'I need to make an alert sign that there's someone else from this house—me! I am here! I need to make Nanami know about me!'

I quickly took the bedsheet away from the bed of the room and make a waving sign about the alert but it didn't work out which I let out a heavy sight and took the crowbar from the ground and use it to crack the window open as it successfully make a sound which alert all of them from the outside including Mahito.

"Nanami! I am here help me! Nanami!"I shout on top of my lungs and Mahito quickly made himself upstairs and Nanami along with two police officers followed behind which I panic.

'Where should I hide now?! Mahito's coming first and for sure he'll make me hostage!'

My attention got caught right away when I found a place to hide myself from Mahito and I quickly went there.




"I'm coming there don't worry! I'll be on time—I swear!"

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