Chapter 15

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I always dreamt about my wedding since I was a little girl. A prince charming would come and sweep me off my feet and then we would live happily ever after. I got a dream wedding but the truth was there wasn't any Prince charming and happily ever after for me. 

The room was filled with my family members and Dawood's family from Turkey along with guests from around the world. This was Taimur Al Jahaan's daughter's wedding, one of the most influential men that existed on Earth. 

 I was wearing a mask of perfection on my face as I had been taught since childhood. No one was allowed to look through my vulnerabilities and weaknesses. I had to portray myself as strong and proud. The announcement of the wedding and the leaked marriage contract had diverted the attention of the public from those photos and videos. That's what the world needs, a better distraction, and the AL Jahaan and the Ordimez's had provided it in the form of this wedding.

This wedding was being considered as the wedding of the decade, two most influential families coming together. How much rejoiced I would have been if this marriage had been founded on love instead of me being forced into it. 

I looked at Dawood, he was looking breathtaking as always in the black tuxedo. His golden-brown hair was combed backward in a sleek way and his golden eyes held an evil glint. He was not letting any chance go to make me realize how he was going to make my life a living hell.  

 Hamza and his family approached us offering their wishes and congratulatory greetings and I stiffened. I was avoiding looking at Hamza whose eyes were filled with hurt and disappointment. I was the reason for his hurt and pain. I had hurt the man I had loved in my desperate attempts to save my love. 

 I felt Dawood snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me to him the moment Hamza stepped in front of us in a possessive grip. I was startled to find that he had still remembered Hamza then I realized Dawood Ordimez had a photographic memory and didn't forget anything. 

 "What are you doing?" I snapped at him. 

 Dawood ignored me and greeted Hamza's parents with a broad smile as his hold on my waist tightened. He was speaking to them in such a sweet way that no one would ever realize that he was almost squeezing the life out of me. 

 I looked at Hamza whose brown eyes were filled with accusations for me and then lowered my gaze immediately, "We are so happy that you joined us on the most important day of our life, aren't we Princess?"

I looked at Dawood with a shadow passing across my face, he was doing this deliberately to hurt Hamza and I had no choice but to go along with him, as his hold on my waist tightened to the extent of crushing and I sucked in a breath trying to stop myself from yelping in pain. 

 "Yes, we are," I barely managed to speak the words. 

 Dawood looked at Hamza with a triumphant smile on his face and I struggled to get out of his hold as Hamza and his family stepped away from us. 

"You are my wife, Princess," he said, rolling his tongue, "I own you, now," he added in a menacing voice. 

"No one owns me, I am my own person. Especially not you," I hissed at him with a smile on my face. 

 I didn't want anyone to notice us having a feud, I have had enough controversies for me to last forever. 

"No worries sweetheart, we have our whole life to clear your misunderstanding," he said with a wicked smile and I turned my face away from him in fury.  

The dabke ( A popular folk dance called dabke is performed by professional dancers and then the wedding guests. Guests will dance shoulder to shoulder in a circle with each other) being performed by the ladies of our families. Though Dawood's relatives were all from Turkey, they still joined with the ladies from my family. 

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