cuddles and kisses (fluff)

596 8 8

request by: Criyee

thank you for the request bsf <3


Dream POV (first person)

"We have to get it done by tomorrow Dream. Do you not understand that?", my boss asked impatiently.

"Of course I do sir. It's just that, I promised my partner that I would be-", I started talking.

"No no. I don't give a fuck about your partner. Please excuse my language there but do you not understand that this needs to be done by tomorrow? Get this is in that head of yours. Dream, you are one of my best employees so please, do not screw this up. We have our most important client so you need to impress them. I'm sorry, I cannot grant you your day off tomorrow", my boss said rude and firmly.

I nodded my head sadly and stumbled my way out of his office into my car. Sometimes, my boss could be a bitch, like for just then as an example. He makes me want to quit so bad but since I'm one of his so called 'best employees', I have to stay. Plus, I need this job to pay off bills for the new house me and George moved into.

As I got into my car, I just sat there for a bit. I sighed as I ran both of my hands through my hair in a stressful way. I looked ahead of me and then started my car.

After a 20 minute drive, I rolled up to a familiar driveway and house. I parked the car and entered the house while loosening the tie around my neck.

"Georgie? I'm home!", I called out to my sweet boyfriend.

He normally would've come and greeted me by now so I was a little confused on why he hadn't come yet.

I trotted up the stairs quietly until I head audio coming from his phone in our closed bedroom. I opened the door in curiosity and what I saw almost melted my heart. He was curled up in multiple blankets with my hoodie on, hugging my white smile blob plushie to his chest, while playing my three songs on repeat. I smiled to myself as I walked over. I set the volume of the music down and gently shook George from his peaceful slumber.

George POV (first person)

My boyfriend Dream was always there to comfort me when I needed him. Except today. I had burned my myself on the stove when I was cooking eggs and when I called out to him in pain, I realised that he was at work. I sighed and quickly put the burnt area under cool water.

After eating, I was pretty tired so my plan was to sleep until Dream got home. I headed upstairs and into out bedroom when I fled straight to our closet. I started raiding his side of clothes and then pulled out his hoodie. I held it close to my chest after breathing his scent in. I put it on and then pulled out my phone.

I opened up Spotify and put his three songs on repeat. His voice always helped me sleep so he would talk to me every night. Now, since he wasn't here, I put his songs on instead.

I crawled onto the bed and found his white smile blob plushie hidden in some blankets. I pulled the blankets to reach my lower stomach and spooned the plushie so it was resting snuggly against my chest. I smiled as I thought about our date at the amusement park tomorrow.

It must've been a few hours later because I was being shaken gently by Dream. I snapped my eyes open and grabbed him by the shoulders. He stumbled and fell on top of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and said " 'm missed you so much today. I can't wait for tomorrow", I said tiredly.

After I had said that last sentence, I could suddenly feel his muscular body tense.

"Baby? What's wrong?", I asked worriedly.

I let him out of my grip and he sat on the edge of the bed. Suddenly, he pulled me so I was resting on one of his thighs.

"Baby...", he started but trailed off.

I looked at his face and saw the expression he was wearing. He looked very stressed and...guilty?

I nodded him to go on.

"My- my boss. He said that things were meant to be done tomorrow so uhm, we have to reschedule or cancel our date tomorrow", he said sheepishly and with a glint of tears in his eyes.

"Aww, that's okay bubs. I completely understand. Maybe we can reschedule it to the weekend?", I asked hopefully.

He nodded and pulled me closer to his chest. I cupped both of his cheeks in each of my hands and gave him a long and chaste kiss on the lips. I could feel him smile against my lips as his hands travelled to my waist.

We let the kiss go and pushed our foreheads together.

"I promise I can try make it up for you with some cuddles and kisses after my shower", he said with a hopeful tone in his voice.

I nodded and got off of him so he could take a shower.

After his shower, he came back into the room with fluffy hair, no shirt, and black sweat pants which and a smile on each side of the pockets. I blushed when I saw his bare torso and I could see the beginning of a smirk forming on his face.

Dream POV (first person)

After my shower, I dried my wet hair and and put on black smile sweatpants and no shirt because I knew it would get George to paint his cheeks a crimson colour.

I exited the bathroom and it was shown that my assumption was correct. He was indeed blushing so I smirked at the thought. He lifted up the blanket as and invitation for me to join him.

I joined the him on the bed and immediately, his arms travelled to my naked upper body. My hands fell down to wrap around his lower abdomen and waist. I could feel him move his hands all around me. Finally, they settled on my back whilst, his face was buried in between the crook of my neck and collar bone.

I pressed many kisses to the top of his head and face and he did the same of but to the front and side of my neck.

We never let go that night. When it turned to the weekend, our date was amazing.


a/n okay guyssssss, what do ya think? i hope i didnt do too bad. if u want me to change some things, just message and i can add/change things! eat, drink, sleep!

word count: 1100

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