dear diary (fluff)

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George POV (first person)

Dear Diary,

Oh. My. God. You should've seen what Clay was wearing at school today! He looked so hot! Oh? You wanna know what he looked like? Okay, get ready and sit down! His messy strawberry golden locks was sitting messily on his head and over his forehead, his sea green eyes was shimmering and HE HAD WINGED EYELINER ON HIS EYELID AND WATERLINE! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! HE LOOKED SO HOT. OH MY FUCKING GOD! Anyways, back to describing him, he wore a tight black t-shirt which hugged his abs so much. Let me tell you, when this man took the bottom of his shirt to wipe the water I flicked on his face, he looked so hot. I was literally melting on the spot. Embarrassing. He wore faded skinny jeans and the same Nike Air Jordan's he always wears! Y'know the white and green ones where he went went skateboarding in? Yeah, those. He looked hot as hell today and you won't believe how many times I got called out by my friends for staring at him and by my teachers for not paying attention. But, c'mon. Can you blame me? He looks like a god. Ohmygod. He's here. I totally forgot I invited him over to play Minecraft. Oh shit. I have to go. I'll finish this lat-

"George?", the door creaked open without any warning. I shoved the book under my pillow and quickly scrambled off my bed in a hurry.

"Clay! Uhm, hello! How'd you get in?", I asked with sweat trickling down my back in nervousness.

"Oh uhm, your mom told me to go up to your room?", he replied while sitting down on my chair.

My heart started beating faster as his eyes travelled to my pillow. He mouth formed into a smirk and then said cockily "Watcha hiding there Georgie?"

"Oh what? N- nOthing,", my voiced cracked halfway.

He hummed in response and then followed up with "So you won't mind if I lift up your pillow?"

My eyes widened and I quickly walked forward. I spun the chair he was sitting on to face my PC, away from the bed. I booted it up and set up the loading screen in Minecraft.

"Georgieeee. You didn't answer me,"


"Oh my god. Y'know what? Let it go. I'll look under it later,", he said but mumbling the last part without letting me hear. He loaded up a new world and furrowed his eyebrows in concentration as he tried to beat the game.

About halfway through the game, he paused it and said to "Okay Georgie. Pause your stare at me while I go to the bathroom 'kay? You can stare at me again when I come back,"

My face flushed when I realised I had been caught staring. I nodded and crashed my head down on the desk. I mean, it's not my fault that I was staring. Anyone who has good taste in people would also stare as well. He still had his eyeliner on. I was obviously still simping so can you blame me? No.

"Hey, I'm back.", he let me know.

I nodded and offered him food from downstairs. He agreed and sat down on the chair, unpausing and continuing from where he left off.

Clay POV (first person)

I knew he was hiding something. I know it's bad to be invasive but I just can't help it! I wanna know what's under his pillow.

As he left to go downstairs to get food, I stood up quickly and jogged to his bed. I gently lifted up the pillow and there laid, his diary. My eyes almost popped out of my skull when I saw that the book was slightly opened and saw my name.

I opened it eagerly and what I read, almost made me faint.

Dear Diary,

Oh. My. God. You should've seen what Clay was wearing at school today! He looked so hot! Oh? You wanna know what he looked like? Okay, get ready and sit down! His messy strawberry golden locks was sitting messily on his head and over his forehead, his sea green eyes was shimmering and HE HAD WINGED EYELINER ON HIS EYELID AND WATERLINE! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! HE LOOKED SO HOT. OH MY FUCKING GOD! Anyways, back to describing him, he wore a tight black t-shirt which hugged his abs so much. Let me tell you, when this man took the bottom of his shirt to wipe the water I flicked on his face, he looked so hot. I was literally melting on the spot. Embarrassing. He wore faded skinny jeans and the same Nike Air Jordan's he always wears! Y'know the white and green ones where he went went skateboarding in? Yeah, those. He looked hot as hell today and you won't believe how many times I got called out by my friends for staring at him and by teach-

Before I could finish reading the whole paragraph, I heard a loud gasp. I jerked my head upwards to a devastated looking George. There was silence for a few moments before George spoke up.

"Clay... What did I tell you?"

"...To not look under your pillow..."

"And what did you do?"

"I looked under your pillow..."

He sighed heavily and then said shakily "Get out. I'm not strong enough to handle your rejection. Just get the fuck out please,"

"George! Who said I was gonna reject you?", I asked in a small and shy voice.

He stepped forwards and snatched the book out of my hands. 

"What do you mean exactly?"

"I mean... I like you George. Like, like like you. Do you wanna go on a date with me?", I confessed. (oh... we speedrunning this shit?)

His chocolate hair bounced as he walked forward. I small blush coated his cheeks and he hesitantly wrapped his arms around my torso. When he felt me pull him closer, he buried his head into my chest. I rested my head on top of his and give him an experimental kiss on his head of hair. I then heard him giggle and hold me closer. I placed a stronger and firm kiss on his cheek and said lowly into his ear "You haven't answered my question Georgie,"

He shivered at my breath fanning on his ear and side of his neck and nodded "Yep, I will go on a date with you".

I chuckled and gently walked backwards to sit on the chair with George still in my arms. I sat down with him only lap and let our foreheads crash together softly as we gave each other loving glances.

"Clay! The blazes are killing you!"


 a/n this oneshot was horrible so please excuse that but guyssssss, what do ya think? i hope i didnt do too bad. if u want me to change some things, just message and i can add/change things! eat, drink, sleep!

word count:1123

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