chalk (fluff)

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George POV (third person)

He looked outside and saw the bright sun shining through the window, causing a small rainbow to appear on the floor. George smiled when he thought of a brilliant idea. Jumping up from his seat, he ran to his boyfriend's room.

Dream loved making things so naturally, George came to his room in search of what he needed. He slammed the door wide open, startling the blonde haired boy sitting at his desk peacefully. He put a hand up to his heart and breathed loudly. "Jeez George. You scared the shit outta me," The blonde chuckled, seemingly not annoyed at the brunette for interrupting him.

"I have an idea and you'll help me?" George asked but as more of a statement than a question.

"Well, tell me what it is and I'll think about it,"

"I wanna go draw with chalk on our driveway and pathway."

The blonde's face lit up at the mention of making something creative. "Of course! Here, I might have some chalk in these cupboards"

He stood up from his chair and walked to the other side of his room where there were multiple shelves labelled with different items. He scanned over each shelf and stopped when he reached a specific shelf at the top. A place where George can't reach. He smiled and said "Yes, I still have some left!"

George giggled and walked over so he was standing by the blonde. He grabbed a piece of blue chalk and ran out the door shouting "Come join m-". He was cut of by slamming right into the closed door. 

"Oww!" George whined while also being on the verge of tears.

"Georgie! Oh my god! Are you okay?"

He ran down and knelt by George's side who was rubbing his now, bright red nose. No blood. That's a good sign.

George nodded in response and then said "Let's go. I'll be fine. I've done this a lot remember?"

Dream giggled and picked up George, setting him on his hip. The brunette still clutched the blue chalk in hand as they made their way downstairs.

 As they entered the outdoors, Dream immediately forgot about George, setting him down on the ground roughly, and sprinting to a spot in the open driveway. He started drawing a figure. George walked to the footpath that connected their driveway and started to draw stick figures of him and Dream. One where they were kissing, one where Dream was carrying George, and one where George was bleeding a lot from slamming into a door. He giggled at the last one when an familiar female voice called out to him. "Hey, what're you doing?", a tiny girl asked with amusement shown on her face.

"I'm drawing. Would you like to draw with me Izzie?", George offered kindly. He knew the girl as his neighbour who he didn't interact with quite a lot. The girl squealed excitedly and asked "Are there anymore colours?"

"Yeah of course! Just go onto my driveway and you'll see a Dream with a big bucket of different coloured chalks!"

Dream POV (first person)

As I was drawing the details of a drawing I made of George, a little high pitched voice started talking me. "Hello! You remember me? My name is Izzie! I'm from next door. Gogy said that you'll be here with a bunch of chalk that I could draw with as well," 

I smiled at her cuteness and gave her the bucket of chalk. She picked the pinkish red colour and started drawing messy flowers all over the place.

After many hours of drawing, they finally finished for the day and went back home. "That was so much fun Dreamie!", George exclaimed.

I nodded my head heavily and wrapped my arms around him. I gave him a chaste peck on the lips and pulled him upstairs to go cuddle and sleep.

George POV (first person)

I woke up to an empty and cold bed without Dream next to me. I was so confused because normally, the blonde would wait for me to get up. I crawled out of bed, shivering because of the temperature in the house. I went to the thermostat and turned up the heat. After looking around upstairs for him, I went down and saw him looking out the big front window sadly. Quickly, I ran over to him and hugged him, also trying to see what he was looking at outside. Finally, it dawned on me. It was raining in the night, which was why the house was so cold, which also meant, the drawings had washed away. I looked again to see and empty driveway with colours running down the gutter.

I embraced him in a warm hug and said calmly "Next time baby, we can use non- washable paint okay?"

He nodded sadly and gave me a kiss.


a/n okay guyssssss, what do ya think? i hope i didnt do too bad. if u want me to change some things, just message and i can add/change things! eat, drink, sleep!

word count: 822

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