tutorial (lime)

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It was no doubt that Dream was a bad kisser. If you asked anyone who kissed Dream in the past, they would all say he was terrible. He had the looks, the money, and the personality. He was just an awful kisser.

This story starts on a Saturday morning, Dream was cooking breakfast for him and his roommate or best friend or crush (whatever you wanna call it), George.

George POV (first person)

I sleepily stumbled downstairs with my shirt still hanging off my right shoulder. As I entered the kitchen, I fixed my shirt and stood behind Dream. He turned around and smiled "G'morning Georgie. How'd you sleep?"

I smiled at the nickname and in my morning voice said "I slept well thank you. What're you making?"

He stepped aside so I could see but then said "Pancakes, I made some for you,"

"Aw, thanks,"

"All good. Wanna eat now?"

I nodded and made my way to the kitchen stool with Dream following closely behind me. As we were eating, I could tell something was bothering him. He had his eyebrows furrowed, his nose was barely scrunching, he wasn't talking, and he looked like he wanted to say something but was stopping himself.

"Okay, cut it out. What's on your mind?", I said straight to the point.

He looked at me, bewildered. He hesitated for a moment. "Um, I- I kind of have a big favour to ask you. You can say no by all means, okay? I need you t- to, wait, remember, you can say no, alright? I need you to teach me how to... kiss," he said shyly.

I dropped my fork in shock and embarrassment. I covered my mouth with my palm but quickly put it down when I saw the hurt expression sitting on his face.

"Um, sorry, I- I didn't mean to be rude, Dream," I said fearing that I had hurt his feelings.

He shook his head and said, straight to the point," Can you teach me or not?"

I started thinking of all the scenarios of what could go right or possibly wrong. I've had the biggest crush on Dream for the longest of time and when he asked me to kiss him, it was so overwhelming for me. Eventually, I came to the conclusion of saying yes.

I nodded and said "Fine, but on one condition,"

He grinned and said "What is it?"

"You have to tell me who you're practising for after we finish 'k?" I confirmed with jealousy coursing through my veins.

Dream nodded and ran over to hug me.

"This won't change anything in our relationship right?"

I could see something flash in his eyes but he shook his head nonetheless. 

I walked over to the couch and he followed shortly.

"Okay, how are we gonna do this," I asked nervously.

"I think we just go for it,"

Our lips got closer and closer and until they were hovering so I could feel the warmness of his face. He finally pushed our lips together. I felt his mouth push harder against mine so I placed both my hands against his chest. "Don't push too hard or move your lips too fast," I spoke into his mouth but it was muffled by his lips.

He eased the pace and moved backwards a little. I opened my eyes and looked below where I saw his hands fidgeting, not knowing what to do. "If you don't know where to put your hands, put them here," I placed both of his hands around my waist. We still hadn't let go of the kiss.

His tongue, all of a sudden, started prodding against my lips, asking for access. I opened my mouth and let him gain access to the new area. His tongue was moving rapidly everywhere so I said "Remember to slow down. You're going too fast,". Once again, he obeyed and let his tongue glide slowly and smoothly against my bottom lip and also the roof of my mouth.

My stomach had butterflies the whole time we were doing this. Is this actually happening?

All of a sudden, he pulled away. "Can you demonstrate how to give a hickey?", he asked shyly and quietly.

I smirked at his shyness but agreed with a hum as a response. I first started by kissing his lips again. Then, I slowly moved my kisses so they were pressing against the side of his mouth, to his cheek, and then under his ear. I trailed my lips down his jawline and slowly let them slide to the middle column of his neck. As I went down, my lips reached the middle of his collarbone where they travelled left. When they reached the spot between the end and middle of his left collarbone, I felt his hands tighten around my waist. I stopped and pressed an experimental kiss to the same spot. This time, his hands tightened more and a small whimpering noise came out of his mouth.

I smirked and then immediately started sucking the spot. Instead of gripping me tighter like I expected him to, he lifted me up off the couch and placed me on his lap so I was straddling his hips. Ignoring the position we were in with my arms wrapped around the back of his neck, I moved to a new spot on his neck and found another place which made him sensitive. I sucked the spot again and then licked it to soothe it after pulling away.

He opened his half lidded eyes after the warmth on his neck disappeared. I smiled and whispered "How was that Dreamie Boy? You wanna try now?"

His face blushed a rouge colour and then hummed in response as he started at the same place I did. His lips were at mine and then slowly moved so that they were pressing against the side of my mouth, cheeks, and under my ear. His lips were so soft against my skin, it left a euphoric sensation behind. He trailed his kisses down my jawline and to the my side collarbone. He then started searching for my sensitive spot. He finally found it when the arms wrapped around his neck, started weaving shakily through his long, golden locks. My breath hitched loudly when he sucked the spot too hard. "Don't suck too hard. Just relax your mouth and gradually make it harder but not too much," He eased his mouth and the pain suddenly turned into pleasure. I moaned quietly and that seemed to boost his confidence as he then started moving to a new spot to do the same thing but better.

After he was done giving me hickeys, he moved back to my lips and started speaking in between kisses. "I am asking *kiss* you to teach *kiss* me how to kiss, be- *kiss* because you are *kiss* the person who I've wanted *kiss* to kiss for a long time," he finally finished.

I pulled away and said excitedly, "Really?!"

He chuckled and nodded. "Me too!", I said so happily.

"George, this may be really fast but, I love you. Will you be my boyfriend?"

I squealed with joy and screamed "I love you too! Of course I'll be your boyfriend!"

He smiled at me and then kissed me again. Oh boy, I could never get tired of his kisses now.


a/n  THE ENDING WAS SO RUSHED IM SO SORRY i hope i didnt do too bad. if u want me to change some things, just message and i can add/change things! eat, drink, sleep!

word count: 1235 (the longest one ive done in a while!)

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