unexpected (fluff)

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Dream and George were mortal enemies. They hated each other so much, the principal had to make sure they wouldn't see each other in the hallway or have any of the same classes. This rivalry had been going on since second grade and didn't look like it was stopping anytime soon. Yes, it was childish but ever since George accidently outed Dream as 'gay' while he was bisexual himself, their friendship was broken. Dream knew better than to out George because he knew how it felt so he stayed quiet. Now, they only talked to each other when they saw each other outside of school; throwing insults.

This day however, would be very different.

Dream POV (first person)

I leapt out of bed excitedly when I realised today was the fun carnival. There would be rides, challenges, games and more, all in the field at the back of the school!

I escorted myself to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. After that, I tried taming my sandy blonde hair. Key word: tried. In the end, I eventually gave up and ran an exhausted hand through it. It was a good kind of messy so I left it.

I ran downstairs, my two sisters and brother, following shortly after me. We all sat at the counter until Drista, my twin sister started talking to me. "Why are you so excited? You normally won't get your ass out of bed until there is 5 minutes until school starts,"

I rolled my eyes and said with shiny eyes, "Don't you remember what's today? It's the fun carnival!"

She nodded in response instead of speaking because she had cereal in her mouth. I quickly finished and headed out the door. "Hey! Wait for me! Alyssa said she can't pick me up today!"

I sighed and unlocked the door for her to get in. While we were driving, I thought about George. I hated him with all my guts. When he outed me, luckily everyone was supportive but, I know for other people, that wasn't the case.

When we got to school, I slipped on the hoodie at the back of my car while my best friend Sapnap starting saying quietly "Dude, Oh my fucking god. I think I'm in love. With the new kid."

I turned around sharply and inhaled loudly. "What's his name?"

"Karl," he said quietly.

"Wanna go see what he's doing?"

"Yes! I can't wait so see his cute, beautiful, precious, handsome -" Sapnap started.

"Sapnap. I get it man. Let's go loverboy." I said coolly. 

We walked inside trying to find the boy. As we got to a certain corridor of lockers, we found the boy talking to someone. That boy, was George. I stopped dead in my tracks but Sapnap kept walking, thinking I was still following him.

"Psst! Sapnap! Come back!", I whispered loudly but he didn't hear me. He kept walking and walking until he came to Karl. I could faintly hear "Hey! You're Karl right? My name's Sapnap! This is my friend Dream!" He turned around to be met with me standing far away. He raised his eyebrows and flicked his wrist as a motion for me to come there. I reluctantly started walking and my eyes accidently made contact with George's. He furrowed his eyebrows and rolled his eyes. My face turned red from embarrassment but then turned my gaze to Karl.

"Uhm hey. My name's Dream as Sapnap said," I said nervously.

Karl smiled brightly and held his hand out. I shook his hand and visibly cringed at the formalities. Sapnap could see how awkward I was, so he said "Well! We must be going now! Nice meeting you Karl! We'll see you around then!". He hesitated before saying "You too George. See ya 'round mate."

He sent me a glare but shrugged Sapnap off and nodded. Sapnap and I quickly sped walked away. "What was that bitch's problem?!", I said to Sapnap with anger running through me.

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