in the middle of the night (smut)

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hi guys! this is smut hehe, collab done with with my bsf avery.. enjoy~



Buzz. Buzz.

"Mm, what?" I grunt, opening my eyes slightly.

The entire room is pitch black and the only sound I can hear is the light chirping noises from the cicadas outside my window. Feeling slightly disorientated, my fingers pat down the area around me until I feel the smooth and cold surface of my phone.

I squint when I look at it, quickly typing in my passcode so I can find the reason why I'm being woken up at this unruly hour. It's a missed call and two unread texts. All from Clay.

Clay: come to my room.

Clay: george get ur ass over here.

I switch over to check what time the call came through. 2:33 AM. I missed it only by a few minutes. As tired as I am, I force my fingers to respond to Clay's demanding texts.

Me: it's 2:30 in the morning. tf u want man?

I wait a few minutes, and each minute that passes makes me realise how foolish my response was to him. Why the hell did I ask him what he wants? I'm not dumb. Why else would he text me so late at night asking me to come to his room?

My phone vibrates against my palm.

Clay: haha dont get all shy on me now george

My stomach tightens and blood rushes to my head as I realise what's about to happen. I'm never nervous for sex. Hell, I'm always chomping at the bit if I know an opportunity is close. Yet, knowing I'm about to be so intimate with Clay has me trembling with anxiety.

I take a deep breath and sit up in my bed. My feet hit the floor and I bounced them up and down, wondering what I should do next. 

Being as quiet as possible, I use the light of my phone to navigate my way out of the guest bedroom of Clay's massive home. A long stretch of hallway stands in front of me as I take each step, nice and slow. I pass the top of the stairs and continue moving past door after door until I find the one I remember being his from earlier today.

I hastily send him a text.

Me: im  outside ur door

Me: open up

I nervously shift my weight from foot to foot, waiting for Clay to open his door and let me inside. After what feels like an eon has passed, I hear the doorknob turn slowly.

Thank fuck.

Muted light filters through the dense darkness when he opens the door, all of it emitting from a large plasma TV mounted on his wall.

"You sure took your sweet time," Clay mutters with a sly grin before moving away from the door.

I follow him inside, closing the door behind me. Clay tugs his shirt off and tosses it into the hamper next to his closet. A pair of loose-fitting sweatpants hang low on his hips. Every time he moves, they seem to inch down a little more.

Clay turns toward me and nods to the door. "Lock it."

His words send a tremor down my spine. My fingers fumble behind me until I press the small lock on the middle of his doorknob. When it clicks into place, Clay's dark green eyes slowly rake down my body. Just by a simple look, I begin to harden for him.

Without a word, Clay moves to his bedside table, grabbing a small box and reaching inside to pull something out. The shininess of the wrapper bounces off the light of the TV, and my eyes follow him as he tears the top of it with his teeth.

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