~{The Scratch}~

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The moment Y/N woke up she scratched her back. She didn't know why but she then felt a bunch of pain down her back. She held her breath so she didn't scream. *Right that scratch the goes down my back.." You got up and walked over to her bathroom and entered she lifted up her shirt and looked at the scratch. *and its bleeding great* The blood was black. She never knew why her blood was black but she simply bandaged it up and went outside her room grabbed her clothes and changed. *You can somewhat see the bandages.. but it'll be fine* You grabbed your gloves put them out and went to the break room. You made yourself a coffee and everyone else who drank coffee one and everyone else got water. You made yours how you made Dottores. 

Everyone sat down and drank there drink. When they finished they put there cups down and left. You followed them mainly because there's a meeting this morning. As everyone entered the throne room they sat down. Childe put his feet and complained how its to early. If the Tsaritsa were here he wouldn't be doing this. "Well hows everyone doing?" Everyone said good well Y/N didn't say anything you were staring off. "Um Shadow you in there?" He snapped his fingers  in front of you. "Oh ya im fine" You gave him a smile and he patted your back. You winced and held your breath. "Okay somethings wrong. Why did she wince?" Dottore asked, "No reason."  

Dottore didn't by it walked over to you and lifted up your shirt to reveal the poorly done bandages. He flicked them to make, sure that's what hurt and just like last time you winced. "guessed It now why the fuck are the bandages covered in this black sludge-" He undid the bandages saw the scar frowned and put them back properly.  "Your going to my office after this" he said with a stern tone. You nodded and frowned. He put your shirt back then the Tsaritsa walked in and he sat down as she sat on her throne. Childe got his feet off the table and all eyes were on the archon. 

"We have gotten 2 Gnosis so far and i'm proud of that. You all are doing well for this were hosting a party." She said with a smile. "Ill five you guys the outfits for now I've assigned you all to get the decorations and such."Everyone nodded. "You guys are dismissed." You all nodded again and left. You looked angry which didn't go unnoticed by Dottore as you followed him. "Shadow you okay? You look ma-" He got cut off "I[m fine Just heading towards your lab like said to."

He nodded and you both entered. He grabbed some bandages lifted up your shirt so he could see you back "Can you hold this?" You nodded and grabbed the shirt holding it up. He then bandaged up the wound so it was much neater and less likely to fall off. He pulled it tighter which you winced and he chuckled. "There you go. I'm not doing that again so don''t expect anything." You nodded and put your shirt down and you walked to the door. "Thanks Dottore.." You chuckled not thinking you'd ever say thanks to him pulled the door handle and left. "Your welcome" He rolled his eyes.

As you walked to the break room everyone besides Pierro and Dottore were there. "Finally we have work to do and your gonna join!" Tartaglia grabbed you wrist and ran out with everyone else. You couldn't help but laugh as you grabbed a few boxes and followed everyone. You started putting up snow decorations everywhere. You also painted some stuff on the wall. As you were standing on the ladder you feel but you landed on your feet.

"You okay?" Pantalone asked you nodded climbed back up and did your final part on the stage. "Perfect.." You climbed down and started taking a bunch of shadows so it didn't look bad and fused them with yourself making yourself even taller. You looked about 7'4 now you could barely get through the doors. "Hey tall person mind coming down here?" You knelt and Childe had  somebody with him. "This tall lady is the 12th best toy seller in the world! Teucer say hi. " You knew this was his little brother. You could tell Childe didn't want him to know he was fatui.  Teucer smiled "Hi miss! Can you bend down a little bit more?" You were confused but went down farther. He put a flower crown on your head. "Now you look even prettier!" Y/N couldn't help but smile "Thank you." You said in the sweetest voice you could. "Ill make you a sure to make you a toy later!" Tuecer smiled and ran over to Pulcinella and talked. "Thank you Shadow for playing along i'm in debt." Childe said with a smile.

 "It was no problem you owe me nothing. Now get back to Tuecer hes yelling your name." He nodded and ran to Tuecer as you painted the walls in here. You hummed as you were doing so and without knowing everyone was listening and watching you. "Speaking of brothers i wonder what Alex is doing.." You mumbled and everyone but Tuecer heard. You finished painting the hallway."Perfect! Now what is it missing..Oh yes snowflakes-" You went to grab some for decoration but then Pantalone said "Thanks for all the help but we can take it from here you've done to much work. We've barley done anything." You sighed nodded and left sitting at a table in the corner.

You quietly hummed and in a hour everything was done. The Tsaritsa walked in to check things out and everyone bowed. "It all looks perfect! The stage and walls are the best part, Who did them?" Y/N raised her hand and the archon smiled. "You have good art skills shadow! Well every things done time to take a break."  Everyone nodded as you sat at the same table while everyone talked and laughed somewhere else. Tsaritsa walked over and sat down. "You did great Y/N get some rest soon or go talk to them. But you don't seem to talkative so ill be here to talk to if you'd like."

You smiled and played with your own shadow. You made somebody but nobody knew who. you simply let it run around the table as the Tsaritsa watched. The shadow faded and you frowned but fell asleep against the wall. The archon slowly got up and walked to the others and began talking to them. "Yes the ball starts tomorrow night Childe. I have everyone's clothes ready." 







word count:1123 words

✧*̥˚ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐟𝐭𝐡 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 *̥˚✧Where stories live. Discover now