~{The Item}~

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The next morning you woke up at 6 like always and got ready. But instead of just putting on your mask you walked to the bathroom with it in hand. You said a few words under your breath and then the spell was gone. The spell that hid the color or should you say colors from your skin. The black and white met at the middle of your body. It looked funny with how you looked like a messed up zebra. Your eyes darted towards your mask and then you said a few more words. This indecipherable language made some sort of spells when you said them. This time your mask was holding a spell the spell that hid your color. You put it on and your skin was back to that pale color. You then walked out of your room to do what you did daily. Get yourself a coffee then make everyone breakfast. So you did just that.

When they all entered somebody unusual was there, Pierro. Why he was here you didn't know but you hoped it was just a meeting. You frowned as you drank your coffee. You didn't like it when you didn't know what was happening. You quickly made another plate  and asked if he wanted it. All he did was nod and take it you wanted to smile but the confusion still was there. Why in the world was he here now? He never showed up to breakfast. So you sat down in your seat and drank your coffee. When Pierro finished the food you gave him he walked over to you set down a letter in front of you and left.

You set down your coffee and you opened the letter. While doing so you felt every ones stares. You read the letter a few times to make sure you knew what he was saying .

Miss Y/N 
I know your a part of the spying group but we have something more serious to assign you.
Pantalone went debt collecting a day ago as you know but he was unsuccessful.
They chose a more violent approach to giving the money. Around 500 treasure hoarders gathered and yelled a bunch of nonsense at him.
This is where you come in we need you to head to that part of 
Snezhnaya and do the debt collecting. I don't care what you do to get the money just take care of them.
There's about 200 vision users  out of the about 500 of them. 


*Damn treasure hoarders* You thought as you ripped up the letter and walked out to get your sword only to find it against the wall. You smiled and went out to take care of some treasure hoarders. Once you got out the palace the cold hit you like a sword. It burned for a bit as you breathed it in. You walked to where the treasure hoarders were said to be. You heard laughing and the sounds of food being eaten. You whistled to draw attention from the tents. You had no plans of being friendly as around 500 walked out of the tents. "Oh look its another fatui idiot!" Said one as they all laughed. "Where's the money? If you give me it now nobody gets hurt! Win win to me." You hissed at them as they stopped laughing and drew the weapons. "We're not giving you fatui idiots shit!" They yelled.

You chuckled and grabbed your sword. "Then lets see how much blood shed it takes." You said with a smirk as they all ran at you. You summoned 5 shadows and they all fought with you. The sounds of blood splattering and blades clattering filled the forest. Thuds were also common sounds as well as running. The fight went on for about a hour. You assumed there was around 100 left. The boss looked terrified of you. "RETREAT!" He yelled and the rest of them ran behind them. They were all deeply wounded the boss went in a tent and grabbed a bag of something and handed it to her. "There's your mora just please stop!" He cried as i took a peek into the bag. It was full of mora no doubt more then we needed but i didn't care. You smiled and nodded "That wasn't that hard was it?" You said and he nodded. You began to walk away but heard him grumbling and listened. "Damn monster nothing but a blood thirsty monster that lady was." You smiled at his words and walked away. 

When you arrived at the palace once again while your uniform was stained with dried blood. You walked in and went to Pierro's office with a crazy looking smile for somebody who just killed 400 people. Agents stepped out of your way as soon as they saw you and bowed. Seeing you this way just gave them even more reason to respect you. As you walked in a set the bag down Pierro asked "Your covered in blood miss Y/N why is that? I hope they didn't give you to much work." He said and you simply chuckled. "It's fine sir it didn't take to long. But i must be on my way i have a stack of paper work to do." He nodded and dismissed you as you talked out and you went to your bathroom. You changed your clothes and cleaned up so you weren't a bloody mess then did your paper work. 

Once it was dinner you got up and set a shadow to put the paper work at Pierros office. The shadow did as said then left. As you entered you were playing with a ball of fire and sat at your seat. You ate and stared at everyone else. There was something off everyone was eating so slow and looking mad at certain people. You didn't want to pry into whatever unfinished business they had with each other. In your opinion this is why it's better to be cooped up with paper work. You don't get into trouble with anything else and get so lost in the paper work that you wont notice it. Today was..your first actually normal day in the fatui. No fights with everyone. No..killing or being at each others throats. You were happy. This was what you joined the fatui for.  This feeling of happiness they were all just a bunch of children in your eyes. You smiled and everyone noticed but didn't comment. Once you finished you walked out to your bedroom.

When you entered you got dressed for bed time then took off you mask. The spell was undone again and you looked..cool? You weren't sure but you set it down and layed down yourself. As you thought about today's events you drifted into a peaceful sleep. Little did miss Y/N know that today was the last day of peace she would get there.








Word count: 1148 words

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