~The Mission~

198 5 0

Tw! gore / blood

The marble-like walls were slippery but not to the point where I couldn't climb them. Once at the roof I walked to one of the vents. Opening it as quietly as possible. I slipped inside with ease and began to crawl being as quietly as possible. Whenever I was met with an opening I checked how close I was to the room. As I drew to the end of the vent I looked down to see the gem. It was truly wonderful. I sent 8 shadows down as they snuck behind the men and covered their mouths. I waited a bit before all 8 had passed out on the floor. I went down and walked to the gems case. But then there was a bang.

A few more bangs happened as if people were being thrown against the wall. "What the hell.." I mumbled quietly. I heard the door click and stared at it readying a dagger. A short but strong man entered the room and stared at me. This wasn't a guard this wasn't the police. This was somebody I didn't even know. Then glared at me and I immediately knew they were after the gem. "Get out of my way" he scowled "there may be only one of me but there's one of you too. And I doubt you could even hurt a fly." I frowned at his words. And shook my head. He had to be killed There weren't supposed to be any witnesses. I sent a singular shadow at him and he was struggling to keep up. But he was doing well enough for me to send out another. Once the man was pinned to the ground I pointed the blade at his throat and threw it. There was a scream and then silence as he began to bleed to death. This didn't take much but it wasted to much time. I grabbed the case and opened it. Grabbing the gem I placed it in a plastic bag.

Before leaving I took the dagger and crawled out. Once I was at the place I entered I jumped from roof top to roof top. Once I saw the carriage I jumped down and walked towards it. I could tell the agent was tired. I had to admit I was too. But there was no time for rest. Once they find out about the gem nobody will be able to leave Fontain. So I hurriedly went into the carriage shutting the door and we were on our way. I set the bag next to me and sighed leaning back. This was what the first mission I've been to? I almost got caught. I hope she won't me mad if she finds out. And leaned against the seat. A little nap wouldn't hurt. I slowly drifted off to sleep, keeping the bag close to my side.

I was awoken with the open of the carrige door. I stood up half asleep and walked out. The blinding white snow was under my feet again. I walked to the sane building i left with the crunch of snow under my feet. Before walking in i made sure i had the gem. It was around 11:30 so i went straight to Dottores Lab. He's always awake around this time. Plus i needed somewhere to keep the gem. I knocked on tge lab door to be met with a opening almost at the sane second. He bumped into me and i grumbled. He groaned as he looked down at me and got up. "what do you want? Im going to go get a coffee." i got upa and haded him the gem. "I assume your the one that needed it. Also i dont know where to put it." he sighed and took it walking bacck into the lab and then came out not aaying another word. I began walking to my office so i check of the assiment. I walked in anx set my bag on the hooks. My office was pitch black so i opened the curtains letting the moonlight shine in. I walked over to my desk and opened up the drawer. I took the case file out and set it down.

Opening it i scanned the paper for the signature. That's the way i said it was done. I found the line and grabbed a pen signong my signature. It was a bit sloppy but what could you expect? Im a tired fatui member signing off for the day. There's no reason i should be bouncing off the walls. I chuckled at my onw thoughts and closed the folder. I put it back into the drawer and turned my chair around and stared at the moon. It was a half moon tonight and was beautiful. Thr snow looked like stars falling out of a pit h black abyss. The sky was clear no clouds in sight. The forests dark green leaves covered in snow just added to the view. I thought this to be one of the best views in Sneznya. I found myself loosing track of time watching the snow. How long had it been? 10 no 20 minutes? I got up and pushed the chair in. Tutning around i watched for a bit longer before closing the curtains. I began walking away to the hallway. I stepped out walking through corridors. This place was huge i remember i used to get lost here. I found my room after a while and opened the door. A candle at my night stand was lit. The towering bookshelfs almost twice the hieght of Scaramouche agaist the walls. Everything was dusted. Not a peck of dust to be seen. No cobwebs found. Just a very clean fancy room. I closed the door walking to my desk. I took off my mask revealing what the nask had covered up. I began to change into comfortable clothing and laid down. I sat up ever so slightly and blew out the candle.






WORD COUNT - 1006 words

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