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I'm sorry this is taking so long to post. school hasn't been the greatest;-; but I hope you enjoy this chapter it may be a little rushed. I love it being 1:44 and writing on a school night:)

Dottores pov-

I felt the anger build inside of me as he said his reasoning. "W-well Prime you asked me to memorize notes the other day and I didn't so I thought to do it today..and well I didn't know where the notes were. So I kinda searched for them but. Couldn't find them."  674 said hesitantly I went to tell more to hear a chuckle next to me. I looked at where it came for and saw Y/n. How in Teyvat did I forget the reason I came back to the lab. "Well you have a pleasant relationship with your clones. There as smart as you!" Yuki stated with a smirk. "As smart as me?! Y/n have you gone mad? They act like they have no brains!" I looked at the clone to watch it take this chance to escape.

I grumbled before pulling Y/n to my desk or what you could see if it. I took out a note slip sat down and began asking questions. She answered what she knew and I wrote it down. After a few minutes of doing that I re read everything. I haven't heard of anything like it. "Well we don't have a clear answer. But maybe it's a aftermath of using your powers so much. Like you mentioned your dream thing. If your skin did that thing maybe your eyes did as well. The swirls may just be your real eye color showing?" I had no clue what's going on. But I had one idea. "I may get a better idea if you took your mask of so I could examine more closely." She nodded looking slightly nervous. I watched as she took of her mask. Her eyes were odd I haven't thought anything like that could happen! The skin was weird to. This is possibly just a aftermath of her power. "Well um as far as I can tell this is just the aftermath of using your powers. No need to worry about it. If anything else happens come to me." I barely knew what to say I didn't want to admit I didn't know what was happening.

She nodded with a worried look on her face. Of course she's worried. When I have work to do something always happens. "How about you go hang out with my clones and calm down." Yep just leave it to them. They can deal with Y/n...right?

Y/n smiled and nodded before putting on her mask. I pointed to where I kept them all and she walked over there then disappeared into the room. I turned my head to the desk and sighed. I began to pick up the mess my clones made.

Y/n pov-

I closed the door behind me and all the clones looked at me. This seemed to be going to be very uncomfortable. I waved and they said hello. They all sound different. "Dottore told me to stay in here for a bit and calm down." They nodded and certain few continued to work while the others talked to me. One of the younger ones said "I bet you can't beat one of us in a  fight!" I chuckled. "One of you? I could beat ten if you." I said in a proud tone. Who was I kidding I'm really tired and couldn't even beat one on my own. "Then do it!" It responded and grabbed ten clones and pulled them out. I'm too tired for this.. I summoned 10 shadows and they all fought. The Dottores fell down causing a loud bang.

Dottore ran in "Why was there a hug bang?!" He looked around and ralealized what was happening. He started me down before grabbing my ear and pulling me out the room. "I never wanna see you doing that again. Go to your room and do paperwork or something." I chuckled and said "Whatever you say 'dad'." I ran out and closed the door. I kept running heard the door open and running behind me. I turned a corner the disappeared into the shadows. He ran the way I was going and when he turned a different corner I sighed and became visible. I felt a cold hand grab my shoulder I turned around and saw Signora. I waved and she smiled. "Seems like you got in some trouble. Let me help you hide Y/n." I nodded and followed her to her room
As far as I was concerned Signora was really nice!

She guided me to a seat and I sat down on it. She sat infront if me and ordered a maid to get two cups of tea and some sort of sweet. The maid quickly left and she turned her head to me. "Well how are you doing?" She asked and I quickly responded with "I'm doing okay for the most part,  how about you?" She smiled and said "I'm doing well thank you for asking." We began talking a few minutes later the maid came back and set two cups of tea in front of us and a sweet on the side. It looked like cake so I ate it after saying thank you. It was really good just had a different texture then cake. It was much more air like. We continued to speak and drink are tea.

She then told me about some plans she had for the day then I told her mine. I yawned at some point in the conversation. "Well Y/n you go do whatever your gonna do, I'll be here if you ever need me!" She said as I got up and walked to the door. "Bye Signora have a good day!" I walked to my room avoiding Dottore running around looking for me. I entered my room and sat down at my desk. I began working on paper work and making plans for the spying missions to come. After a few hours I put my head in my arms and fell asleep.





Word count - 1049 words

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