~{Light And Dark}~

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After hours of doing paperwork you haven't finished and slept on the desk. The dream was odd very different from the other dreams you've had in the past. 

You were standing in a black space. You felt trapped in your power.  "I rely on this place to feel wanted..to feel special so why am i being like this..am i ungrateful?" You said to the darkness around you but its response was silence. "Everyone that's here everything i have..if i didn't have that would i still be like this? Feel like this?" You watched the darkness again. But there was a picture going by. You were scared as you watched it. 

You saw each fatui harbinger get taken away the darkness swallowed it.  The same happened to the Tsaritsa. Then you saw your family get swallowed by the darkness. Then everything you have.. You cried watching it fade away. Then everything showed up at once. You went to grab it you ran to it. But as soon as you touched it..everything was gone. You looked at your hands and clenched your fists.

"Am i gonna be the cause of everything leave one day? Will i be so over taken by my power anything i hold close..anything i care about will just not exist to me? Will my down fall be myself?" You watched as you saw the places around you by the touch of you it all was gone. "The world will be over taken by darkness..your power. You need to stop letting yourself trust yourself. You will be your downfall. There's no way around it and you know this." The darkness said as shadows surrounded around you.

"You are a monster Y/N your the reason everything has gone wrong. Cause you trusted yourself. Everything will leave you cause of this power..of you listening to your self. Stop yourself before the darkness takes over. We put are fate in your hands Y/N." You saw light surrounded by the darkness there were creatures of light. "We will give our self's to you just save us. Don't let yourself be crowded my the darkness."

A gray figure approached you. You stared as it reached out its hand and said "I put my fate in you Y/N let the light and dark in yourself be even and let me be there for you in reality. Let the light and dark follow you with equal parts of yourself. Earn the trust of us all." The figure said and you nodded.

You felt as if it was your duty to figure out how to give them equal control and do that thing. "This all depends on my actions. I can determine the fate of you all. Prove to me one day that this is the right thing to do. I did the right thing for you all." You bowed and woke up.

You woke up to the faint sound of somebody yelling. You saw familiar light blue hair and realized it was Dottore. "Kid wake up your scaring me!" He shook her. "mmmm no" He sighed "You scared me don't do that." You laughed and sat up "well that was the best sleep I've had in 14 years." He looked at her shocked "You just slouched over my desk in one of the most uncomfortable chairs i have on a bunch of paperwork. How was that comfortable?" You shrugged "Just is." he frowned and carried you to your room "Sleep on your bed and tell me which is more comfortable." You nodded as he set you down on the bed and watched. "I wanna see if you act different on your bed."

"I wont sleep i don't feel tired. The amount of sleep i had was plenty." Y/N said hoping not to go back to that place any time soon. Dottore sighed "Well what are we gonna do? Wait around till the Tsaritsa says there's a meeting?" You tried to think and had a wonderful idea. "Maybe we could learn more about my power by a fight. Maybe Childe will be up for it!" Dottore sighed at the thought of Tartaglia but nodded and left to get him. 

Dottore walked in with a note instead looking mad, "Pierro said to give this to you." He said in a stern voice as he gave it to her and she read it..

Hello Y/N if your reading this i suppose Dottore lied about not knowing where you are.
Besides that your skills are being put to the test. 
Find the boy named Oliver L/N.
I know you to are related some how with the last name but he owes the Fatui a lot of mora.
Find him and bring him to my office.


You began laughing a lot. "Whats so funny?" Dottore asked. "I have to hunt down my brother for some debt and he usually tells me he wont owe a debt in his life." You continued to laugh while Dottore shrugged and grabbed her arm dragging her out the palace getting odd stares. "Go get him and come back." He said sternly you nodded and in the natter of seconds you were out of sight, in a forest.

Y/N summoned a bunch of shadows that awaited orders. "You all are to try to find my brother and stay out of sight. Bring him to be when you find him. NOW GO!" They went to find him being very fast. They paired into 2, certain shadows couldn't find her brother while certain found signs of him. Following the clues they were led to a shack with humans inside. They blended into the shadows and went in trying to spot him.

One pair had found him they quickly teleported him and the shadows to Y/N. Y/N called all shadows back to her and absorbed them becoming her normal height 7'2. She walked with him holding hid hands together behind his back and went to the palace. The guards were confused till thy saw Y/N behind him and stepped out the way so the two could enter. After the two entered she walked him to Pierros office. She knocked "Come in!" Pierro yelled through the door.

She walked in and shoved her brother to him. "Thank you shadow please leave." You nodded and left shutting the door. There was fear in his eyes when he looked at you when you shut the door. You left with a frown and went to the break room and made yourself a coffee looking pissed. You were the fact it took so long for 52 shadows to find one boy and the amount of energy that it took for them to find him. You grumbled about it and everyone in the room looked at you. You glared at them with this mad aura and they couldn't see the glare but knew it was there. They looked away and started their conversations again.

She finished her coffee placed her cup down and then walked away to the library. Nobody was there which made her smile as she walked to the fatui category. She wanted to see how Teyvat viewed the fatui. She grabbed a random book leaned against a wall and read. After she finished she knew how they viewed the fatui. "So they think were like bad guys who only want to cause harm." She laughed and put the book back, "There so ignorant were doing whats right. Now i understand why nobody goes to this category."

She walked to the nature category and picked one about flowers in teyvat. She was interested what flowers were like in other regions. As she read her mood settled and she then wondered.  If there a book about feelings..cause sometimes she feels lost in hers. Wondering what feeling she was feeling. She felt silly thinking there was one.

She continued to read the book and then a few harbingers walked in looking for something to read. They looked at her sighed as she was still frowning then one walked over to her. "Hey comrade! What are you reading?" 

Tartaglia smiled and leaned against the wall while the others scoffed and looked for books. "Im reading things about flowers all over Teyvat. Dandelions are my favorites. They interest me sense i wont be bale to see one from Mondstadt..." She looked sad to say that. Childe wanted to cheer her up so bad but didn't knew how. "Can you make yourself shorter Y/N?" You nodded then grew shorter letting shadows creep into others. He smiled and hugged her.

She was shocked cause she normally doesn't get any hugs. She smiled slightly and hugged him tightly. He patted her head and let go as she did the same. "Y/N come with me i'm gonna cheer you up!" He grabbed her hand and ran her out the library. He slowed down realizing everyone was staring. He walked her out the door. "Let The Fun Begin!" 







Heheheheh i love cliffhangers, yall will get the chil

Word count:1488 words

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