~The Gem~

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I awoke to the sound knocking on my door. *what in the world could somebody want?* I thought as I got up and opened the door. I was bet with a glare from scaramouche. "You realize we have a meeting right now?" My eyes widen at those words. "WE HAVE A MEETING?!" I yelled. He smirked and nodded before walking away. I quickly went to check the plans for the meeting. *Wait there is no meeting? Is he okay? Maybe he's  mistaken about a different meeting..* I walked out my room and went towards the brake room. Surely somebody's in here. I opened the door to see tartaglia. "Hey tartaglia do we have a meeting today? Scaramouche woke me up and said we did?" He shook his head and ate the rest of what looked to be leftover breakfast. "I don't believe we do Y/n. Last I checked that was next week." I nodded and grabbed a coffee from the counter and drank it. It was leftover this from morning. "But you do have a mission tonight." He said and I spit out the coffee. "WHAT?!" I yelled and looked at him. "Sense when?!" I asked and he sighed. "Sense 2 weeks ago you were so excited to go. You were practically bouncing off the walls when you found out."

Has he gone mad? Sense when was I that happy? For something like that? How could I forget my own job?! Questions kept piling up until I heard a clap and jump. "Hey calm down
Y/n." He got up and left. I was so confused. So according to him I have a job tonight. Maybe it's in one of my case folders...I set my coffee down and began to walk to my office. I don't go there often I much rather do my work in my room. So I mainly used it for where to put my folders. Most of them were case folders. I searched through them by date the sooner ones were in the back. I saw today's date. So I did have a job. I took out the folder and opened it up.

Blood Gem
Case 106

Details -

Located in Fontain
Museum of discovery
Most heavily guarded gem there

Security Details - the outside has 4 guards walking around and 2 guards at every entrance. The only way in is through the vent on the roof. Once through the vents be quiet as there are sound detected alarms. 5 guards walk around stay in the shadows far above them. The very back of the museum is the gem 8 guards are around the container. The container has to be opened carefully if not the alarm will go off.

Requirements -
Only 2 people aloud on this Mission it's up to Y/n
The Gem should have no scratches or signs of damage
Nobody should be caught
Time should be around 1 hour. Arrive at night no other time.

You sighed setting down the folder. 2 people only? So me and somebody else. It would be better if I did it myself.. I need so many items to.. if only I didn't forget and had more time to prepare. I have plenty of time. This is fine. I ran over to the corner of the office and grabbed a bag. I grabbed a coat and then ran to the drawer. I grabbed a smoke bomb and one dagger. "Wait I need to ask Dottore for something!" I ran outside my office and to Dottores lab. I knocked and heard a few creaks seconds later and the door opened. "What do you need?" He asked. "By small chance do you have some sort of funny liquid that could knock somebody out for an hour or more..?" This was so awkward around yesterday he was chasing me and now I'm asking for things. He sighed walked in after a few minutes he came back with 5 grey liquids I grabbed them and shoved them in my coat pocket. "Thank you!" I said and he sighed and asked "what do you even need thoughs for?" "A really important mission I'm in a hurry so bye!" I ran back to my office and double checked I had everything for tonight. This was gonna be awhile.

I walked down stairs and walked outside. I asked an agent if by small chance could I have a carriage to get to Fontain. He nodded went inside then I sat down on the steps and waited. This is gonna be fun I suppose.

The carriage was all set up after a few minutes and I loaded the bag cause that's all I needed. Then entered and sat down. I watched as where I worked at slowly began to become out of few and we were on are way. The best way to get into the place is to get to the roof. Once there enter through the vent. Crawl through there to one of the rooms where there are 8 guards. Whats the best way to get past them though? I can't take. Them out 1 by 1 that would take to long and they would have made to much noise. If I take them out at the same time that might work.. that just requires 8 shadows. Once they finish them off I remove the lid carefully. Grab the gem and leave. Should be simple enough.


We finally got out of the town when I was done thinking about the mission. I looked outside which had a buetiful view. It shouldn't take that long to get to Fontain sense it's on the border of Snezhnya. For the rest of the ride I had stared at the scenery. As the cold began to fade away but then became much more damp I knew we were close. At this point there was no more snow covering the ground like a soft white blanket. Instead it was now wet grass. I took off my jacket cause it was getting hot and felt the carriage come to a stop. There was knock on the door before it opened. "We are here miss, when you are done we will still be here." I nodded and the agent walked away. I exited the carriage and grabbed the bag. I didn't want to be somebody random walking around ta the dead of night so I became a shadow and made my way to one of the biggest museums I had ever seen.




Word count - 1115 words

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