Chapter 3

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Harry's P.O.V

The next morning I woke up in an unfamiliar room. That was until I remembered yesterday's events. I shut my alarm off with a grunt and got up from the bed. After doing my morning routine, I got dressed as my new identity. I couldn't help but regret not throwing a tantrum at the meeting and yesterday while I was being dressed up for my new life. I mean, I'm Harry Styles for crying out loud!

I just sighed and prepared myself a bowl of Cheerios in the kitchen. Finishing in ten minutes, I grabbed the keys to my new car and grabbed my backpack for school.

"Thank you, Louise!" I cheered to myself as I saw my recently bought red vintage car parked in front of the house. A piece of paper was stuck on the wipers and I picked it up.


I convinced Simon to let you have this car (you can thank me later). Though, they agreed to give it to you on the condition that you don't bunk school unless you are ill. They will receive a call from school if you do and so will I.

Try to bring my boy back. I know you can do it, darling.

I love you,


I re-read the note. My eyes kept staying on the last line of my mums note. She was like Niall at times, always telling me to forget all the partying, drinking, and the girls. But if only they knew why I do what I do... I sighed and got in the car, shoving my mums note in my pocket. I drove towards the school with mums note giving me a heavy heart.

I found a parking spot near the entrance of the school and quickly parked my car there before anyone else could. It wasn't a big school, moderate looking with it's walls were made of red bricks. Getting out, I noticed people staring at my car in awe but when they saw me, it quickly turned into a scowl.

"Great. A nerd."

"I feel sorry for him. He has no idea what he's in for."

"He parked in Max's spot! I don't think he will last the day."

I heard people whispering and I walked towards a group of three boys and two girls. The girls were clinging to the two boys who were talking to them. They both were brunettes, wearing small skirts and the smallest top possible. The two boys were also brunettes, but one of them had more of a chestnut colour than the other. The last boy was just staring into space. 

"Hello. Could you tell me where the administration office is?" I asked in a squeaky voice as per Louise's instruction. The boy who was looking up at the sky looked at me wearily, as if he was assessing me, but then smirked.

"Sure. Take a right when you enter the school. Last door in the hallway. And a word of advice seeing as you are new. Move the car unless you want it trashed." He sneered at the last sentence.

The lad was about a few inches shorter than me and had blonde hair and blue eyes.

Reminds me of Niall.

All I could do was raise an eyebrow at him.

"I don't see anyone's name on the spot. I can park my car wherever I please." I said, letting my Harry side out and walked away before I punched the lad or got punched by the him. Definitely one of the jocks of school.

I soon found the administration office and the lady who looked like she was near retirement smiled at me. "Hello. Are you Marcel Smith?" I just nodded and said a hello in return. "Here is your schedule and a map for school. You have English in room 207. It's just down the hall. Here is your locker number and combination. Have a good day."

I smiled a little before saying 'Thank you.' and looked at my schedule. English, Chemistry, Biology, Free, Lunch, Free and finally, Music. I made my way towards my locker, scanning all others before I finally found mine at the end of the hallway. Putting in the combination, I gathered my books for English. Taking the map, I quickly found room 207 marked on it and made my way for English.

"Ah, you must be Marcel. Welcome to English. I'm Ms. Ford. Please introduce yourself to the class and take a seat next to Ms. June."

That's how all my classes went until I had that free period before lunch. My first day here, and I was already planning on asking Simon to change the school to somewhere else.

The school was one of those typical clique schools where the populars and the jocks stuck together, the nerds were treated like they were dirt beneath the shoes (I was luckily unspotted by the jocks since morning) and the goth and emo kids sat together throughout the classes. I was planning on staying outside till lunch when I heard a shout.

"I said get away from me!"

I looked around just in time to see someone getting a good punch on the right cheek and fall to the ground. There were three boys surrounding a small figure of a girl. I immediately ran towards them to help the girl. Even if I used them, it didn't mean I was going to be a bystander when a girl is in trouble.

"Hey! She said get away from her!" I shouted.

They looked at me and I saw they were the boys who I talked to in the morning. Though the one with the chestnut hair got up holding his cheek. They saw me and smirked. "This isn't any of your business, nerd. Stay out of it." The new lad said but the blonde boy from the morning pointed at me.

"He's the nerd who took your parking spot this morning, Max." The new lad, Max, just smirked at me and took a step forward. He had black hair that were standing up in a small quiff, his brown eyes stared at me amused. Probably thinking I'll be an easy target. But I scoffed at that thought in my mind.

I would have been scared out of my mind if I was a real nerd when he steeped forward, but luckily, I was Harry Styles. I stepped forward as well until we were chest to chest, my eyes challenging his.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you how to treat a girl?" I asked and his eyes widened slightly but he covered it up with a raised eyebrow.

"Didn't your mother teach you how to stay out of someone's business?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

If only he knew me.

"My mother taught me how to help a girl when she's in trouble. I'm my opinion, you are trouble for her." I said and his face flushed red in anger.

He raised his fist to punch me but I quickly caught it in my hand before delivering a swift punch to his stomach with my free hand. He bent from the impact and the rest of the boys eyes widened. I released Max's fist after twisting his arm till he cried out, my anger and frustration of the past few days being taken out on Max's arm.

"You may be the Mr. Popular in this school but learn how to act around a girl first, you useless-"

"Marcel, it's okay! Leave him, please?" I looked at the girl and my eyes widened. My grip on Max slackened. He pulled away form me, taking the opportunity to run away from me. His goons, as I was going to call them from now on, ran behind him.

"This isn't over, nerd!" He screamed but I couldn't have cared less about what he said when I saw a natural glow on the ivory cheeks.

She had a petite figure, much smaller than my six feet, approximately 5'2. She had small face and hands but her eyes were downcast. Her lips were pale pink, small, but fit her face perfectly. Her clothes were modest, not even an inch of the ivory skin could be seen on her arms or legs, until you saw the flats she was wearing. Although what had caught my attention wasn't her face or her clothes, but the fact that I couldn't see her hair.

She was a Hijabi. She was a Muslim.


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