Chapter 52

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Harry's P.O.V

I was pacing in my room. My mind was blank yet it was thinking a thousand things at the same time, if that made any sense.

How was I so oblivious to her feelings? How many things had she hidden from me? But I knew by her statement that there wasn't much... I think.

Rubbing my hands on my face I let out a sigh and sat back down on the couch. I threw my head back and closed my eyes, mind racing at what should I do to solve this.

"Harry?" Her soft voice asked and I opened my eyes, turning my head to look at her "Yeah?" I asked as she stood at the door to my room

"Sarah got lunch in Niall's room. You might want to hurry up." She chuckled and I shook my head before looking away.

"Not hungry."

I said and I could tell she was frowning "What's wrong, Harry?" She hesitantly stepped into the room before taking a seat on the floor in front of the couch I was on "Why don't you sit here?" I said and moved towards one corner of the couch, letting her take the other corner.

"Can you please tell me what's wrong?" She asked and I sighed

"Why are you doing this?" I asked and she frowned "What do you mean?"

"Why aren't you angry with me?"

She looked away at that "You heard." She whispered and I nodded

"I did. And it really bothers me that you are hiding your feelings from me. Why didn't you tell me?" I asked and she looked down, not replying.

"Tahira, you are my fiancée. If I can't even guess how you feel then how can I take care of you in the future?" She didn't say anything for a few seconds but then spoke up

"Harry... Honestly, it scared me... How possessive I felt when that woman kept touching you... I've never felt like that before... and I just... don't know how to handle this feeling..." She trailed off and I sighed, shifting closer to her a little.

"Hey, it's alright. You don't have to be scared about that. If our roles were reversed, I'd probably lock you up in a house if that ever happened with you." I said and got that small chuckle from her I was aiming for out of her lips, making me smile slightly.

But then a serious look came on her face, making me feel a bit scared of what she was thinking "What is it?" I asked carefully and she looked down again

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea..." She said and I raised an eyebrow "What wasn't?" She sighed

"Coming on tour... It would be better if I head back home."

"What? Why not? Aren't you having fun?" I asked rapidly, mind wondering on where did this come from.

"I am, Harry. Maybe too much." She muttered at the end but I still caught it. It made me frown. "But I need to head back soon anyway. I still have to get things for college, find a rental flat in London and start packing."

"Why don't you use my flat? I won't be there for a while." I said frowning and she shook her head

"No, Harry. I can't use your flat like that. And you'll come back a month after my semester starts, and finding a flat so early in would be problematic."

I sighed in defeat "Alright. But how about I find a nice flat for you?" I asked and she shook her head 

"No it's alright. I'll find one with papa and mamma."

"I wanted to ask you something else too." I hesitantly said and she raised her head slightly in question "Um... When do you want to, you know... het married?" I asked quietly while I felt my face heating up a bit, Tahira's face mirroring mine.

"I don't know... When we aren't busy maybe... uh..." She trailed off, obviously confused and I chuckled 

"We are taking a small break, you know. After the tour finishes." I said and she shook her head

"No, I didn't."

I nodded "We decided this when the baby rumour broke out... It's causing a lot of trouble for us." I said and she nodded

"Of course it is. A baby isn't something to be taken lightly. This is exactly why I had told John not to do this." I laughed slightly

"How about..." I trailed off as I folded my legs under me "We talk to our family about this, and then decide on what to do?" I asked and she nodded

"Can I ask you something?" She asked a little hesitantly and I nodded "Of course."

"I don't mean to offend you or anything, but isn't this going a bit fast for you? I mean, we just met again two years ago and now you're talking about getting married." She said and I chuckled slightly

"Yes, but!" I said just as she opened her mouth to say something "But, I'd be saying it's going a bit fast for me if it was someone else. But it's not. It's you and if you didn't know this before, hear me now." I said and took a deep breath before releasing it

"Tahira, you've been one of the most important people in my life. If it wasn't for mum, you'd be the first most important person in my life." She smiled slightly at that and I continued "And there is nothing in the world that matters to me more than seeing you happy. What I heard... It's made me realise things. Things I've never thought about before and I don't want that to happen again. So in the end, no. I don't think I'm going fast at all." I said and she blushed.

"You guys done being all lovey-dovey?" We looked up to see Sarah standing there with two plates filled with food

"We weren't being 'lovey-dovey' as you're saying." I said getting up from the couch. I walked towards her and grabbed the plates "Thank you." I said grinning and Sarah shook her head before walking out of the room.

"Yeah. No that's true. Hm. Alright, mum. Thanks." I hung up on the phone while Tahira was still talking to her parents then she hung up soon. "What did they say?" I asked at the same thine she asked "What did she say?"

We both chuckled "At the same time?" I asked and she nodded. I started counting




We both said the same thing again, making us laugh slightly. I smiled at her brightly after that.

"Well, looks like we're getting married."


AN: THE STORY IS NOT ENDING as yet. I have a few mean surprises planned for you all!! Enjoy reading!! Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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