Chapter 134

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Louis' P.O.V

"Get back here, you little minx!"

I heard Harry shout to my confusion and that's when I opened the gate quietly, and a bit hesitantly, using the keys I had taken from Harry again.

I actually came here to return them.

When I peeked in, I saw Tahira behind the loungers with a large grin on her lips and wearing her hijab to my confusion. But Harry soon ran out towards her. He ran over the loungers and seeing that, Tahira started running away but she was too late.

Harry wrapped his arms around her waist as he caught her. I was about to shout at them to be careful but they both lost their footing and fell down on the grass, laughing.

I was a little concerned that they got hurt but they just kept laughing. Harry turned Tahira towards him and placed a kiss on her forehead.

In return, Tahira wrapped her arms around Harry and rested her head against his neck while Harry wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her close.

The sight made me smile. But then slowly, it fell too.

I was happy for Harry. I really was. But at my age, I just wished I had what he does. I wasn't getting jealous of Harry. Just wistful that soon, I'd find myself someone who would be with me through thick and thin like Tahira was with Harry.

They started talking softly and Harry's hand started rubbing on Tahira's back. He suddenly raised his head to look at her but in a second, his head fell back on the ground with a chuckle.

I decided then it would be better if I came back another time and softly closed the gate behind me.

Walking around Hyde Park, I was glad I hadn't encountered with a fan. My thoughts were too jumbled up to concentrate on making conversations with anyone right now.

For a while now, I've wanted what Harry and Tahira have. The love they shared, I wanted to share the same kind of love with someone. I wanted to take care of someone like Harry took care of Tahira when I had gone to take the songs from him. I wanted to experience having a baby with the woman I loved. I wanted to experience what Harry did when he held Ameera for the first time.

It was so, so obvious.

When Harry held Ameera for the first time, anyone could see that she had him wrapped around her fingers in a second. And if the look in his eyes didn't give away the feeling he felt when he held her, the tear that fell down his cheek sure did.

I wanted to experience that so badly. That raw love Harry felt for Ameera, and the love he felt for Tahira, I wondered when I would get a chance to experience that.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't see a dog running towards me until he jumped on me, causing me to fall back on the ground with a groan as my head hit the ground.

"Matt!? Matt, where are you boy!? Come back!" A voice called out and Matt, a golden retriever, got off me and I groaned again when he stepped on my stomach as he did.

I sat up rubbing the back of my head, wincing and I looked towards where the dog was running. A girl was sitting on her knees as her hands rested on them. She had brown hair from what I could see. A heart shaped face and from the distance, she looked like she had dark eyes and looked around Harry's age.

A look of relief came on her face when Matt barked and her hands raised up in the air just as Matt settled his head between them. She said something to him and suddenly Matt started running back towards me, but this time, he was dragging the woman with him.

"Hello?" She asked and I stood up.

"Hi. Nice dog you have here." I said and her mouth fell open.

"He jumped on you? Oh my, I'm so sorry about that. He has a habit of doing that to everyone he can." She said and I chuckled, dusting myself.

"It's alright. I needed a distraction from my thoughts anyway. I'm Louis, by the way. What's your name?" I asked and she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"I'm Fae and you've met Matt." She said and I chuckled, looking down at him.

"How long have you had him?" I asked and she looked down at him.

"Ever since I was five. He's my guide dog." She said and I froze as my brain processed her words. She chuckled when I didn't say anything. "Have you left?" She asked and I quickly snapped out of my shock.

"No, I'm here. Sorry, it just doesn't seem like you're blind." I said and she looked down.

"I know. I hate wearing those dark glasses." She said and I chuckled.

"Would you like to take a walk with me, Fae? I could use some company right now." I said and she chuckled, but thankfully nodded.

"Bad day?" She asked but I shook my head as we started walking.

"Not really... Just one filled with wistfulness." I said and looked towards the pond.

"Mind telling me what?" She asked and I chuckled but for some reason, feeling like I could share my thoughts with her.

"It's just... I just came here to the park from my best mates house. He's about your age, twenty five..." I trailed off when she raised her eyebrows. "He's a married man with a one year old daughter... I just saw him with his wife... They didn't know I was there, by the way... And seeing them together..." I trailed off again and she nodded.

"You want what he has. I know that feeling. My best friend is married too and even though I can't see them, I can still hear the occasional whispers going on between them." She said and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"You're a really beautiful girl- woman. Didn't you have any boyfriends?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I might be beautiful to you, Louis. But the men I met ran away as soon as they discovered I was blind." She said and I frowned, shaking my head.

"That's unbelievable. If they did that, they didn't deserve you in the first place." I said and a small blush came on her cheeks.

"I have to go now. It was nice talking to you, Louis. Same time tomorrow?" She asked wearily and I smiled.

"Of course, love. Same time tomorrow."


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