Chapter 30

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Harry's P.O.V

"Has it dried?" Omar asked and everyone apart from Sophia nodded as she had just gotten hers finished.

"Mine's still wet a little bit." Eleanor said looking at her hands and Omar nodded. "Okay." He got up from his place on the couch and headed towards the kitchen, coming back a while later with a small bowl and a big piece of cotton.

Much to my confusion, when he sat down next to Sara, he soaked a small piece of cotton in the bowl before lightly dabbing it on her henna.

"What's that?" Sophia asked and Sara looked at her, smiling. "Lime juice and sugar. It's to get a darker colour for your mehndi."

"Oh." Eleanor said and looked at her hands again. "Is Eid the only time you get this done?" She asked and Tahira shook her head. "Weddings too."

Sophia looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "The bride?" She asked and Tahira's eyes gleamed.

"Half way up the upper arm if not till the elbows. Oh and the feet too. Till the ankles or knees."

We all gaped at her and she blushed while Sara chuckled. I raised an eyebrow at her. "You want that?" I asked and when she blushed even more, I got my answer. "Okay." I said and chuckled while Eleanor and Sophia tried to make the situation less awkward by starting a new topic.

"So, what do we do now?" Sophia asked and Tahira looked at her. "We can watch TV?" Tahira said and at the same time, Omar handed the bowl and cotton to me.

"Can you put it on for them? Just lightly dab it." I nodded before getting up and sitting next to Eleanor.

I was done with both Eleanor and Sophia in the next half an hour. According to Sara, now we just had to wait for a while before the girls could remove it. We had decided to have our dinner at my flat because it would be a bit awkward for me to feed my best mates girlfriends. 

"I think we should leave. The boys would be waiting for us." Eleanor said and I looked at her. "I told Liam that I would be here. We can stay for a while longer if you want." I said and she raised an eyebrow at me to which I shrugged my shoulders. "Just saying."

Tahira smiled at Eleanor. "You must be getting hungry. Go home and get something to eat. When you're done, you can call us and we'll tell you the do's and don'ts for removing it." Sophia and Eleanor exchanged looks but before they could say anything, a stomach grumbled. It was mine.

They all looked at me like I had grown a second head. Omar let out a small chuckle before shaking his head. "You kids go home. I think a stomach might grumble again if food doesn't reach it soon." I flushed, embarrassed while Eleanor and Sophia nodded, laughing.

"Okay, stop it now." I said but they kept on giggling.

"Wait a second, Harry." Tahira said and went upstairs, probably to her room. She came back with a bag dangling on her elbows. Niall's clothes.

"I forgot about that." I said and Tahira stood in front of me. I carefully held the strings of the bag and pulled it off Tahira's arm, making sure it doesn't touch the design. "Thanks."

I opened the back door of the car so that the girls could slide in without spoiling their henna tattoos while Omar, Sara and Tahira stood at the porch, waiting for us to leave (okay that sounds rude) but you know what I mean. I closed the door as soon as Sophia slid inside and sat comfortably. I placed the bag with Niall's clothes beside her and turned to look at the family before waving at them, getting into my seat and driving off.

It was about eleven o' clock when we arrived home. The lights were out but I could see a faint light shining through the curtains. I got out from the car and opened the door so that Sophia and Eleanor could get out and I fetched my flat keys from my pockets and Niall's clothes.

As we entered the house, we saw Louis and Liam sitting in front of the TV, watching a movie which was on. When they heard us, they turned around and saw us standing there. The girls rushed to their boyfriends while I headed towards the kitchen after dropping the bag next to Liam, grabbing all three of us something to eat.

I went to the living room carrying the girls food and handed it to the boys who looked at me confused. "They can't eat on their own." Was all I said before going back to my plate in the kitchen. When I saw them again, both the couples were sitting closely together while the boys fed the girls laughing and talking.

In that moment, my mind drifted off to Tahira. Would that be us once we get married? Marriage. It's still hard to believe that I'm already half way engaged to someone. But I am grateful that the someone is an old friend rather than a complete stranger.

But I was worried too. About how the fans would react when I finally give them a face for the 'mystery girl', how Tahira would react to the fans, the good and bad and if she would be able to cope with my life, me being gone for months straight and all.

I looked at the couples. Louis was feeding Eleanor while whispering in her ear making her giggle. Liam was just quietly talking with Sophia but there was an occasional smile on her lips. They were used to us being gone, the girls, but they still held on to their relationship. Tahira and I? We won't be dating but actually getting married. Would we also be able to survive the distance?

"Harry? What's wrong?" I snapped out of my thoughts and saw all four of them staring at me concerned. I smiled a bit and shook my head. "Just thinking." They exchanged looks before letting out a reluctant 'Alright.' and my thoughts drifted back to where they were.

I'll just discuss this with Tahira tomorrow. We have to get through this together. But you aren't even engaged yet. Calm yourself, Harry! I took a deep breath and returned to my food, ignoring the constant need to overthink this.

I really need to talk to Tahira tomorrow. For my peace of mind.


AN: Sry for not updating sooner. EID MUBARAK!!!!! 1K reads finally!! Thank you!! Comment, Vote and Follow :)

No Choice || H.S.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora