Chapter 101

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Harry's P.O.V

Twelve hours.

We had been in the same room for twelve hours. Tahira's contractions had been slow at first but when she passed the seven centimetre mark, her contractions kept coming.

Figuratively, my hand had gone blue from being crushed but Tahira had literally turned pale from suffering the contractions. Her face was covered in sweat, her breathing came out tired and her hand had gone slack in mine. Until the contractions came, that is.

It was four in the morning, and I knew everyone was still waiting outside. Omar, Sara, mum, dad, Robin, Gemma, the boys and the girls. And to our surprise, Zayn had also arrived; giving me a small smile when I walked outside to fetch the bag I had forgotten to take inside with me.

"Do you want an epidural, Mrs. Styles?" One of the nurses asked and I immediately nodded, not bothering to correct her that Tahira hadn't changed her last name after we had married but Tahira's response surprised me

"No. No epidural." She whispered and just squeezed my hand when I looked at her. The nurse nodded and then checked how much Tahira had dilated and smiled when she looked at us.

"You've passed the mark. I'll fetch the doctor and then you can start pushing." The nurse said and walked out of the room. I looked back at Tahira and she gave me a tired smile. I wiped away the sweat from her face with a cloth I was given.

"You'll be fine. We can still go for a Caesarian." I said and she shook her head "No. I want to push her out myself." Tahira said as firmly as she could in her tired state and despite wanting to frown, I gave her a small smile.

Dr. Bailey entered the room then, a few nurses following her inside and she smiled when she saw us "Take a deep breath. There's no pressure, alright?" She said and Tahira nodded, her face taking a determined expression and I gave her hand a squeeze.

It took longer than we thought.

Tears of frustration were falling down Tahira's cheeks when Ameera refused to come out. But then Dr. Bailey finally called out "I can see the head! You're doing great, Tahira. Just a few more pushes."

Tahira took a deep breath. Her face scrunched up tightly as she pushed with all her remaining strength, squeezing my hand just as tight. As soon as a cry filled the room, Tahira sagged back down on the bed with a gasp.

Dr. Bailey stood up but before I could see my daughter, nurses hovered over her and took her away "They're just going to check her vitals and everything since she's premature." Dr. Bailey said and I slowly nodded. She left the room after that and I looked at Tahira with a smile

"You did it, darling." I whispered and kissed her hand which was holding mine. She looked at me with a tired look, her eyes barely open

"I want to see her, Harry." She whispered tiredly and I nodded "And you will. The nurses are just checking her." I said, wiping away her tears and she smiled slightly. The door to the room burst open and Sara walked in first, tears in her eyes and a smile on her lips.

"She looked beautiful." Sara said and took Tahira's other hand in hers. Tahira turned her head towards Sara and just smiled. A hand pat my back and I saw the boys giving me wide smiles. Mum came up and hugged me tightly then gave Tahira's hand a squeeze after taking it from mine.

The door opened after a while and a nurse stepped in. A bundle of pink blankets in her arms. I quickly stood up from the place I was sitting, walking towards the nurse. She held out the blankets to me with a small smile and I took them in my hands, looking down at my daughter for the first time.

She was so small that when I held her, my both hands combined were holding her entire body. Her face was red, but resembling that of Tahira's from the old memory of seeing her for the first time. She stirred from being moved from the nurses arms and to mine. Her eyes fluttered open slowly. A chuckle escaped my lips, a lump formed in my throat and a tear fell down my face when I saw my eyes in hers.

And just like that, I was enchanted. I could literally feel myself being wrapped around her tiny little fingers.

"Harry?" Tahira's tired voice called out and I looked at her with a smile "She looks just like you." I said and walked towards her. Mum stepped away with a smile so that Tahira could fold her arms and I placed Ameera in them. As soon as I did, I felt myself being crowded by the boys behind me.

"She has your eyes." Zayn said and I nodded. Tahira smiled as her thumb stroked Ameera's cheek softly. After placing a kiss to her forehead, she looked at Omar

"Papa?" She said quietly and Omar nodded, taking Ameera up from Tahira's arms. He sat down on the chair behind him and cleared his throat, shaking his head. At first I was confused to what he was doing and then remembered what Tahira had told me one night.

Omar leaned his head down to Ameera's right ear and started reciting the athan in her ear while we all stayed quiet and listened to him. After he was reciting the athan, he recited something else in her left ear and when he was done, he also placed a kiss on her forehead.

She suddenly started crying and Omar chuckled "Hunger calls." He said and we chuckled too. Everyone left the room, giving privacy to all three of us. Omar placed Ameera back in Tahira's arms and gave Tahira a smile before placing a kiss to her crown and walking out of the room.


"I won't look." I said and she chuckled

"I was going to tell you to get her name written on the birth certificate." She said and I shook my head with a smile, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"I'm on it."

When I walked back into the room, Tahira was sitting, looking at Ameera in her arms, who had been fed and was sleeping.

"You should do the same." I said when I walked in and she looked up at me with a smile

"I will. It's hard to believe... I finally have her in my arms." She said and I smiled, sitting down beside her on the bed.

"I know." I said and took Ameera from Tahira's arms, gently placing her in the cot beside the bed. "C'mon. You're going to sleep right now." I said and she gave me an amused smile

"Just because you've become a father now doesn't mean you're mine. He's outside if you want to talk to him." She said and I chuckled

"Just go to sleep." I said and she did as I instructed. Resting her head back on the pillow, she closed her eyes. I pulled the blanket over her and a small smile came on her lips. I leaned down and kissed her temple just as her breathing evened out. Looking at my two girls sleeping, I smiled softly as I looked back and forth between them.

This is a whole new beginning.


AN: She's finally born! Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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