Chapter 32

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Harry's P.O.V

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked Tahira as we were about to leave her place. She looked a bit confused but nodded at the same time. I motioned the boys and Simon to go sit in the car while Tahira and I stood at her doorstep.

"Is something wrong, Harry?" She asked and I shook my head. "No. I just need to discuss something with you. It's been eating me up since yesterday." She frowned. "What is it?"

I shifted my weigh on my feet and felt my cheeks burn a bit. "I was just thinking about what would happen when I go for tours, you know? I'm gone for months at a time and it rea-"

"Harry, calm down. I understand what you're trying to say, and I get why you're so concerned. But we still have a few months until that happens." I opened my mouth but she cut me off again.

"Listen to me, Harry. I know you're concerned about the fans as well. But whatever decision you make in your personal life, they should and I know in time, they will support it as much as they can. It's just how your fans are. And you know I'm not on many social sites so I wouldn't even know what they will say about me. I wouldn't care if they send me hate because I don't care about anyone's opinion of me if they don't know me personally. And I've told you this before. Stop overthinking things, Harry. Whatever comes towards us, we will take care of it. Right?"

I looked down and nodded before letting out a small chuckle. "Right." She smiled. "Don't worry anymore alright? That frown doesn't look good on you." She joked and I laughed 

"I won't. Promise."

Before I knew it, the minutes turned into hours, hours into days, days into weeks and weeks into months. The world was still not told that Tahira and my future fiancée was in fact the same girl rather than two different people. But the bond that formed between Tahira and I grew day by day. So much so, when I surprised Tahira by baking a cake for her on her birthday, her reaction made me realise something I knew would change my life.

I realised that I loved her.

It's my last two days in Knutsford, but Tahira is still unaware of the fact that I love her. I haven't told her either. I had to make a few trips to London in between and Tahira had gone back to India for her winter vacations. It was then I missed her the most. We did talk that time, and even skyped a few times. It made my doubts disappear and I knew that we could get through the distances between us no matter where I am.

I was sad about the fact I had to leave. Tahira had still one more year to go in school but she promised me that she'll attend a medical college in London for me, rather than going to the one she wanted to go to before. It made me love her even more. Though I did tell her that she doesn't have to do that for me, but she insisted saying she'd have to move into my flat when we got married anyway, so I didn't argue with her further.

Fights between us were extremely rare. Almost second to none. But there was an occasional argument between us because of our different opinion on things; but we made up within the hour too, so everything between us was going great.

My relationship with the boys and the fans grew more and stronger than ever before. I had confessed on a twitcam the reason for my change in attitude, with the boys by my side and a hundred thousand viewers watching. The fans were obviously mad at the management and this caused the man who was responsible for the plan to be fired for good on Simon's request.

He was absolutely furious when he saw the my confession (he was watching the twitcam apparently). For a while I had thought that he would put us in the care of another management rather than Modest! But when the man got fired from the management, he calmed down... a bit.

The fans had sent me pictures and videos of apologies for hating me but I told them not to worry about it. That I would have also reacted the way they did if I were in their place, before thanking them for supporting us throughout the years.

"Harry, where are you taking me?" Tahira asked as she sat blindfolded in the passenger seat while I chuckled. "It's a surprise, Tahira." I said and she pouted.

"You do remember I told you we can't be alone, right?" She asked and I nodded before replying. "Yes, I remember. Because the Satan is the third person present, right? Between unmarried people." I said and she grinned, nodding. "Yes. I'm glad you remember."

I chuckled. "Well, the third person between us might as well be the Satan." I said chuckling and received a protest from the back seat. "That's not nice, Harry." Louis said while Eleanor laughed. "Give it a break, Louis."

Tahira was wearing one of her suits as requested by me. It was a bit formal looking but she told me that it can be worn for casual wear as well. "Do you guys know where he's taking me?" Tahira asked and Louis and I chuckled.

"I do. But I won't be telling you." She pouted again as we reached our destination. I parked my car and Eleanor got out and helped Tahira step out of the car.

Louis nodded at me before disappearing and the three of us quietly walked to our destination. As soon as we reached our destination (it was a tree in the park), Eleanor left and I walked up to Tahira. 

"You can take your blindfold off now." I said and she pulled it down her face quickly. Her mouth went agape before she squealed a bit and ran to the figures standing in front of her.

"I missed you all so much!" She said as she hugged one of the people standing there while they chuckled. "We missed you, too, Tahira."

In front of me and under the tree, stood Tahira's cousins.

I wanted to do something for her before I left and then Omar told me they were coming to England since they had holidays at the moment. I decided to surprise her with this. 

"When did you guys come here!?" Tahira asked as she pulled away from one of her cousin, I think her name was Farah, and she chuckled. "We had holidays going on so we decided to come. Though surprising you like this was his idea." She said and pointed towards me and Tahira grinned towards me.

"Thanks, Harry." I grinned at her.

All in all, there were five cousins who came. Farah was the eldest then came Zaid, (Tahira), Ehsaan, Afreen and lastly Rubina who was just ten years old. They were her cousins on her mums side of the family and rarely saw each other since they moved here.

I walked away a little to give them space to talk to each other and catch up on everything and Liam came up to me. "Is everything ready?" I asked and he nodded. "Sara sent the food over. I just hope Niall doesn't eat it all." 

I chuckled. "I don't think he would. At least, not tonight." I said and he grinned before patting me on the back.

The night went on smoothly after that. A few minutes after I had left, Tahira introduced me to her cousins in her own way, which caused laughs around us. The boys and girls had also joined me by then so we had a blast telling her cousins of the fun times on the tour bus and the pranks we played on the fans and on each other. We all got along really well thankfully. Otherwise it would have been a bit awkward if one of us didn't get along with someone.

We had our dinner soon after that, enjoying and chatting from time to time. Laughs were occasionally heard from someone and I was extremely glad the night was going perfectly.

"Tonight has been amazing. Thank you so much, Harry!" Tahira said when she joined me after we had finished our dinner. I grinned at her. "The night isn't over yet, Tahira." I said and a bewildered expression came on her face ."There's more? Harry-"

I shook my head and ran a hand in my hair nervously. "I actually... " I trailed off and slowly dropped down on one knee, a box already present in my hand.

"Will you marry me, Ladybug?"


AN: HE PROPOSED!!!! How do you think Tahira will react? Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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