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Harry's P.O.V

"Darling, calm down." I told my wife softly as she hugged Patrick tightly to her. Now nineteen years old, Patrick had grown into a gentlemen both Tahira and I were very proud of. But I couldn't take the credit for that to happen. It was under Tahira's guidance that Patrick had grown up to be the man he was.

"Mum, I'll come back whenever I can. I promise." Patrick said as he hugged Tahira back just as tight. Patrick was leaving for college right now. Well, he got into Oxford for business management.

Both Tahira and I were very proud of him when he got the acceptance letter. And even though we were in the same city, Patrick had decided to say in the dorms on campus so that he could study without distractions. That being his five siblings.

Yeah, I did say five. After having Sana and Tariq, Tahira got pregnant twice again. Both boys. Mahin and Kaden Styles. Before them, we had to move houses again to accommodate our four children and guests for when they came. And after Kaden, Tahira had literally put her foot down on having kids.

Patrick's green eyes had taken a darker colour as he grew older. Over 6'4, he was towering over my 5'3 wife. Visits to the gym with his godfather, Liam, had caused him to be a strong, healthy man with strong arms that could beat me in arm wrestling easily.

"Mum, let us say goodbye as well." Ameera, now fifteen, said as she stepped up beside me and I chuckled, wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

"I don't think you'll be getting the chance, princess." I said and Tahira chuckled before pulling away from Patrick.

"Alright, alright. He's all yours." She said and immediately Ameera got out of my hold and hugged Patrick just as tightly.

"I'll miss you, bossy man." Ameera said and Patrick chuckled at the nickname Ameera had given him when she was five.

"I'll miss you too, spoilt brat." Patrick said and Tahira and I chuckled. When Ameera got too demanding one day when she was around four years old, Patrick had snapped and called her a spoilt brat. And that nickname still stuck with both of them.

Seeing as the way was free, Sana, Tariq, Mahin and Kaden hugged Patrick all at once, causing him to stumble back slightly with a chuckle. Tahira came and stood beside me and I wrapped my arm around her waist.

"Alright. Let me go. I'll be late otherwise." Patrick said and they chuckled and let him go of their hold. Patrick walked over to us again and kissed Tahira on the cheek before giving me a manly hug.

"I'll see you later, dad. Mum." He said and then grabbed his suitcase, walking out of the house. Before entering his car, he gave us a last smile and wave and we did the same.

"The years passed in a blur, didn't they?" Tahira asked me that night and I nodded, pulling her to my chest. "They did indeed, darling." I said in agreement.

After Sana and Tariq were born, it wasn't long until Niall got Pooja pregnant as well. And when Pooja was six months pregnant with their son, Liam finally popped the question to Sophia who had slapped him on the shoulder mumbling "Took you long enough." before jumping in his arms.

Their wedding was held three months after Pooja had given birth to Liam. Yes, Niall named his son after Liam instead of keeping it his middle name like planned. He even had Liam as a godfather as well. It did get confusing at times, which Liam we were talking about until we had dubbed Liam Horan as Lil' Liam.

But the most interesting wedding was Louis and Fae's because it was only us boys and our wives/girlfriend who attended it. No, it wasn't because everyone had refused to attend but because Louis and Fae had a whirlwind wedding.

No Choice || H.S.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon