Chapter 55

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Liam's P.O.V

"We have to call John... We can't have a concert tonight. Or anytime soon." I said after a few moments of silence passed between us. Louis looked at me and I knew he was trying to hold his tears in, as much as he could "You're right. Call him." He said in a hoarse voice and I rest my hand on his shoulder for a few seconds before pulling out my phone.


"Liam. To what do I owe this call to?" He asked and I took a seat beside Louis

"John, you have to cancel the concerts. We can't tour anymore. At least, not for a while." I said and heard him take a deep breath

"And why on earth would I do this?" He asked and I closed my eyes

"Harry... he got into an accident. We all are here in the hospital."

"What? And where is he right now?" He asked, disbelief evident in his voice.

"In surgery."

"What about that fiancée of his? On the plane to London?" He asked in curiosity but I knew that for some reason, he wanted her informed of this.

"No. She's here... Covered in his blood." I whispered the last part so that Tahira didn't hear me and I was thankful that she didn't.

"That's good. She should be there for him... I'll cancel the concerts until further notice. Let's pray he makes it out fine of this surgery."

John hung up after saying that. I nodded towards Louis, silently telling him that it was done.

Three hours later, our anxiety only grew as the doctor still hadn't come out with news on Harry. Tahira had disappeared somewhere two hours ago. But I knew she was still present near the waiting room.

"Harry Styles?"

A voice called out finally. We all got up from our seats, Tahira running in a second later "How is he, doctor?" She asked and he smiled slightly

"He's going to be alright."

We all sagged in relief. At least he was still alive.

"Why was the surgery so long though?" Louis asked and the doctors smile fell.

"He lost a lot of blood. But not as much as he could have if you hadn't wrapped that scarf around his head wound. It would have been harder for him to survive the surgery." No wonder her scarf was covered in so much blood...

"Not only that, Mr. Styles has also suffered several broken bones, mainly in the shoulders and back. It took some time to repair them. His skull isn't fractured or cracked thankfully, so he shouldn't be suffering from any mental disorders. One of his ribs punctured his lungs slightly, but there's nothing to worry about anymore.  We have put him under sedation so that his body can have a chance of recovering faster. He'll wake up in his own time though."

"Can we see him?" Tahira asked and he nodded

"We'll be transferring him to a room. After that you may."

"Thanks, doc." Niall said. He's been quiet the whole time, sitting in the same position he had taken when we arrived here. The doctor nodded before leaving the room. And as soon as he left, Tahira fell on the chair behind her, relief visible by that small smile on her lips.

"He's going to be fine." She whispered and a small smile came out on our lips "He is." Louis said and laughed slightly, but I knew he was just as relieved.

"Has anyone called Anne about this?" Sophia asked and Tahira nodded "I'll do it." She said and turned slightly but smacked her forehead instead. Her hands were clean of blood.

"What is it?" I asked and she shook her head

"My suitcase and my bag. I left it at the airport." She said

"No worries. I'll ask Preston to pick it up. They must have taken it. Airport authorities." I said before calling Preston, who started shouting at me for running out of the stadium but once I explained everything to him, he quietly agreed to finding Tahira's bags at the airport and coming here.

"I'll call Anne." Louis said and walked out of the waiting room.

Just then my phone rang, the ID flashing 'Simon'

"We have a problem, Liam. The concerts can't be cancelled at the last minute. I'm afraid you'll have to keep performing."

"But Simon, how can we do that without Harry?" I asked and he sighed "Any news on him?"

I nodded "He's going to be alright. Suffered blood loss and many broken bones. Doc said he's being sedated and will wake up in his own time." I heard him take a relieved breath

"Thank God! But we can't do anything regarding the concerts, Liam. You'll have to keep performing." Simon said and I sighed in defeat

"Okay, we'll try." I said and he hung up

"What did Simon want?" Niall asked and I looked at him "Concerts can't be cancelled. We'll have to keep performing." He frowned

"Anne said she'll be on the next flight available." Louis came in and I sighed "How did she take it?" He grimaced

"Not very well, obviously. But I assured her he's going to be fine so she's better than she was before. Now what's this about concerts can't be cancelled?" He asked with a raised eyebrow

"Simon said it's too last minute. Not possible." I said and he sighed "Who'll be able to stay with Harry then?"


Tahira spoke up at that and our heads turned towards her "But your flight? College?" I asked and she frowned

"I've already missed my flight, Liam. As for the college... Harry is more important."

That's all she said.

"You guys go. The concert will start in an hour... I'll be fine." She added in the end while we sighed just as Preston entered the room, dragging Tahira's suitcase behind him

"Here you are, love." He said as he placed the suitcase in front of Tahira who smiled "Thanks, Preston."

He nodded "How is he doing now?" He asked and I shook my head

"They have to move him into another room. We still haven't seen him." I said and he nodded "I've been ordered to take you all for the concert." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck while we sighed.

"We know. But Tahira is staying back here." Louis said and Preston nodded in understanding.

"We'll come back as soon as the concert is over." Niall said to Tahira who nodded.

"Best of luck."


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