Chapter 95

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Harry's P.O.V

We quietly drove towards our new house. Well, we both started humming different songs after a while of silence, laughing slightly when we realised we were doing the same thing but then resumed humming.

Once I parked the car, I turned the ignition off and Tahira got out before I could even get out of the car to open her door.

"Give me that suitcase, Harry." Tahira said and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow as she held out her hand for the suitcase I had just pulled out from the car "It's got the other stuff." Tahira added and it took me a while to understand what she meant

"Why didn't you just say maternity clothes? I'll take it up to the bedroom, then you can have it." I said and she blushed slightly

"It's not just maternity clothes." She said but then I shrugged, dragging in the suitcase with me. "You want to do the honours?" I asked her, holding out the keys and she took it with a grin, opening the door to the house.

Tahira placed our clothes in the closet while I got the other boxes out of the truck and the car, with the help of the movers. It was a while later when the boys arrived together, along with Pooja and Sophia. They helped me unpack the boxes and Tahira came down soon after.

"Where will the cot go?" Liam asked after we had put all the stuff away. It was now time to set the cot. We were all first timers here so I was a little nervous about how this will go.

"In our room." I said and Liam raised an eyebrow

"You aren't getting a nursery?" He asked and I shrugged "Tahira wants the cot to be in the room. Easier to get her when she wakes up in the night." I said and they nodded

"That's true." Louis said but before we could get to work on that, the girls called saying lunch had arrived and we decided to fill our stomach before we got to work again. We sat on the chairs of the dining table, with the pizza boxes already open as they were placed there.

"Have you decided on a name as yet?" Niall asked and we nodded "We have." I said and they all froze mid-bite, giving us raised eyebrows. I exchanged confused looks with Tahira

"Well? Aren't you going to tell us the name?" Louis asked and my mouth fell open in an 'o' and a small chuckle escaped my lips

"We've decided to call her Ameera." Tahira said and their eyebrows raised even more while Pooja chuckled

"You owe me that chocolate box you promised now, Nialler." Pooja said and Niall grumbled but then chuckled "Alright, princess. You win this time." Niall said and we chuckled

"What does it mean anyway?" Liam asked and I pointed at Niall "What he just called Pooja." I said and they smiled.

We got back to work soon after that, taking the cot up the stairs and then placing it in our room had been harder than I had imagined. It was heavier than I had guessed, we had to make pit stops in between to that we could catch our breath and then finally when we reached my room, we placed the cot next to Tahira's side of the bed.

"Either we're out of shape or this thing is really heavy." Louis said and we chuckled

"Probably the latter, Louis." Liam said and we nodded. I stretched my fingers and tried not to wince when they ached from carrying the cot.

"Niall, what bet did you have with Pooja anyway?" I asked and he shook his head with a smile

"Who'd be naming your daughter. I said you while Pooja said Tahira." Niall said and I chuckled

"Niall, Tahira didn't decide the name of our daughter." I said and Niall froze for a second before raising an eyebrow at me

"Wait, what?" All three of them asked and I nodded

"Yeah. Omar once told me that Tahira wanted to name her daughter Ameera. We were wondering what to name her when I decided on Ameera." I told them and Niall grinned before running out of the room.

"Princess, I'll take that box back now!" Niall shouted as he ran down the stairs while the three of us exchanged looks before laughing at him and following him down the stairs. He was in the kitchen with the girls, hugging Pooja to him tightly while she looked very confused at Niall's behaviour.

"What happened?" Tahira asked and we chuckled "I told Niall that I said Ameera when we were thinking of names for her." I said and Tahira chuckled while Pooja gaped at us

"What? Oh great. No wonder you're so happy suddenly." Pooja groaned and Niall grinned while we looked at them confused.

"She has to show me where she keeps her whole hidden stash of chocolates now." Niall said and we laughed after registering what he had said while Tahira looked at Pooja in pity

"You shouldn't have bet your chocolates, Pooja." Tahira said and Pooja hung her head "Next time, I won't."

Tahira and I insisted on everyone having dinner with us tonight instead of going home sooner. And I think we had more fun preparing it than when we sat down to eat it.

Niall had suddenly started singing songs from our recent album, and it took less than a minute for the rest of us to join while the girls looked amused the whole time. And everyone's amusement increased more when I had pulled Tahira up from where she was sitting, cutting the vegetables. After I had pulled the knife away of course.

Taking her hands in mine, I started dancing then, moving her arms back and forth by her hands to the silent beat of the song which we were singing.

At first, she just stood there awkwardly but then slowly, she started dancing with me which made me grin. I twirled her around a few times once every few minutes, being careful when I did. I finally stopped dancing and pulled her to me as we both laughed slightly. The others around us laughed too and clapped saying 'Bravo!' making us laugh even more. And the rest of the night was just like that.

Our laughter echoing in our new home.


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