Chapter 92

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Harry's P.O.V

I told John about Tahira being pregnant after we had settled the godfather issue (Louis still won) and let's just say it took Tahira and the boys an hour to calm me down completely. An hour, because they had to calm themselves too from snapping at John right there and then. After that, we called Simon.


"Hey, Simon."

"Harry, what can I do for you?" Simon asked and I sighed softly, rubbing my hand on Tahira's arm

"I wanted to tell you something, Simon." I said and I knew he was frowning

"Go on." He said and I took a deep breath

"Tahira is pregnant." I said and was met by silence. I thought he hung up, but then I heard him take in a deep breath

"How many months?" He asked then

"The fourth month is going on." I said and gave Tahira a smile when she looked up at me with one of her own. I heard him sigh and I frowned "Don't tell me to abort my baby, Simon." I said before he could say anything

"What? Why the bloody hell would I tell you to abort it?" Simon asked in disbelief and I sighed in relief, giving Tahira a thumbs up with my other hand and she grinned

"Because that's what John said when I told him." I said and Tahira took my free hand in hers, giving it a squeeze

"I'll talk to John about this. Congratulations to you both." Simon said and hung up. I placed my phone beside me and then hugged Tahira closer to me

"What did he say?" Liam asked and I smiled

"Just congratulated us. And said he'll talk to John about it." I told him and he smiled but then his eyebrows raised in surprise

"You may want to go lay her down in your bunk, Haz." I gave him a confused frown and looked down only to chuckle.

"It happens." I said, looking at the sleeping Tahira.

"I'm not sleeping right now." She said suddenly and Liam rubbed his head sheepishly while I chuckled again

"Tired?" I asked and she shook her head "Not really. Just wanted to close my eyes." She said and I nodded, wrapping my arms around her waist instead.

We stopped at a small restaurant for lunch and then we were back on the road. Tahira did go to sleep after that and when she lay down in the bunk, her bump got more visible than ever.

"Harry?" She said and I leaned in "Yeah?" I asked, stroking her cheek with my knuckles and she smiled softly

"Nothing." She whispered and closed her eyes. I stayed there, stroking her cheek as her breath evened out, and she let out a soft sigh. As she slept, her hand unconsciously moved so that it was resting on her bump.

I smiled, leaning in more, I placed a kiss to her forehead and moved back. Closing the curtain of the bunk, I went back to sit with the boys.

"You want to do this tomorrow?" Liam asked me and I nodded "She's forgotten all about it." I said and they all chuckled

"Well, it's going to be a wonderful surprise for her."

The next night was our last concert for the tour. I had asked everyone if the preparations for Tahira's surprise were completed and thankfully, they were.

After we had performed Perfect, it was time for Tahira's surprise. I had motioned the crowd to go quiet without saying a word and walked towards the area where Tahira was standing in the crowd

"Today is a very special day." I began and looked at Tahira "Twenty-one years ago, on this day, I was in the hospital visiting my mums best friend, who ironically, gave birth to my best friend and presently, my wife and the love of my life. Happy birthday, darling!" I exclaimed at the end suddenly and she looked at me in shock. Her hands covered her mouth and she laughed realising that had she forgotten her own birthday.

"So if everyone would be kind enough to join in, please do!" I said and everyone started singing Happy Birthday to her. She was blushing but was giving me a wide grin the whole time. When we were done singing, I reached out and took her hand in mine, placing a kiss to her knuckles "Love you." I whispered against her knuckles and she mouthed the words back to me with a soft smile.

"Before you say anything, I got you something." I said after the concert had finished. Tahira and I were in the dressing room and the boys had already gone back to the tour us after celebrating our last concert and Tahira's birthday.

I walked towards where I had hidden her gift, taking out the small box and walked back to her. I held it out to her and she took it, looking up at me curiously.

"I know you don't like things like this, but I was hoping you'd made an exception with this." I said and she gave me a confused look and unwrapped the box. She immediately shook her head but I took her hands in mine

"Harry, it's way too expensive." She said and I shook my head, looking down at the Tiffany & Co. box in her hands

"It wasn't as expensive as you're thinking, love. Trust me. I want you to have this. At least open it." I said and she looked at me wearily and opened the box.

In the box, there lay an inch big heart pendant. It was coated in silver, it's front had vines and flowers carved into the heart.

"Turn it around." I whispered and she did as I asked.

Her mouth fell open as she read the inscription I had asked the shopkeeper to make. She looked at me in shock and I gave her a soft smile. Taking the pendant from her, I walked behind her and clasped the chain behind her neck after lifting her hijab up slightly so I could. The pendant rested on her chest, just like I had wanted it to and I placed my hands on her shoulders

"You had my heart with you your whole life." I whispered the inscription in her ear and she shivered slightly "You were my first crush and now, you're my life." I continued and she turned around, looking at me with tears glistening her eyes and I smiled, cupping her face

"I love it." She whispered and I grinned

"You know, when we were kids, I always told mum and Gemma I'll marry you when we grow up." I confessed and she blinked at me in surprise and then chuckled, cupping my hands in hers.

"And you did."


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