Chapter 61

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Harry's P.O.V

"Mr. Styles, I've been expecting you." The wedding planner, Scarlett Winter, said as we entered the office.

"Ms. Winter. My fiancée, Tahira Sultan." I said introducing them both and they nodded at each other.

"Hello." Tahira said and Scarlett smiled

"Hello, Ms. Sultan. Please take a seat." Tahira smiled slightly before sitting on one of the chairs.

"How can I be of assistance?" Scarlett asked

"We're planning on getting married in December and we want our privacy to be the top priority. A small wedding." I said and she gave a look to my cast arm

"Mr. Styles, I don't mean to be rude or anything of that matter, but shouldn't you be resting instead of planning a wedding?" Scarlett asked making Tahira roll her eyes

"Good luck getting that through him. I've tried and still am trying." Tahira said and I sighed while Scarlett chuckled slightly

"Men can be very determined when they want to. But getting on business, I have many ideas for places you can have a quiet and private wedding, but I'd like to know if you have a specific place in mind?" Scarlett asked and I nodded, taking out the picture out of my pocket and handing it to her.

Tahira bent forward to look at the picture and her mouth fell open in disbelief as a small chuckle escaped her lips "Where on earth did you find this picture?" I laughed.

On the picture was a meadow Tahira and I used to play in a lot, when she was still in Holmes Chapel. We could actually be seen in the picture, playing around as she chased me.

"The photo album Omar gave me." I said and she shook her head while Scarlett nodded her head, putting on a thinking face.

"What date have you decided on?"

"Thirty-first December." Tahira said and Scarlett nodded again

"Is it possible to keep all the preparations quiet? Because this place is in Holmes Chapel and we really don't want any interruptions or media frenzy before the wedding." I said and Tahira nodded

"Yes..." Her voice held a note of disappointment and I wished I could comfort her that moment. Because despite of my telling her not to, she went on twitter the day after the lads popped up at the hospital and let's just say she still feels betrayed by the fans but she hides it really well.

"Yes, I think so. I can get all the preparations done, but for the wedding invitations and your wedding dress and tux, I can set up an appointment with one of the best in London for you."

"Not a wedding gown. I'd like to wear traditional one for the wedding." Tahira said and Scarlett raised an eyebrow "Sorry?"

"She's Indian." I said and Scarlett made an understanding look before smiling

"That can be arranged too. No need to worry about it." Tahira smiled

"See, that wasn't so bad." I said as we walked out, well pushed out in my case, of Scarlett's office forty-five minutes later.

Tahira sighed "It's not about it being bad, Harry. My problem is that you aren't fine. And look at the casts before saying anything to me about being fine." I shook my head at her

"How about this, we'll continue with our plans for the 31st, but if I can't walk or move my arm without being in pain by November, we'll postpone the wedding. Is that alright with you?" I asked

"Only on the condition that you don't hide or lie about the pain. Or so help me, Harry, I won't let you off the hook. Ever." Tahira said and I chuckled

"Alright, alright. You strike a mean bargain, Ms. Sultan." I said and she let out a small chuckle

"Better remember that, Mr. Styles."

Things went smoothly after that. I knew I had made a difficult deal with Tahira when my muscles pained a lot when I practised them as Dr. Cooper had instructed me to, but that also got over throughout the days.

Scarlett had taken us to get our wedding invitations made three days after we had visited her office. Tahira and I came to a mutual decision to use a white card with golden swirls on the four corners of it. It was simple yet beautiful.

The mood at my flat was an entirely different story. Mum and Tahira always teamed up on me whenever she and I were in a debate regarding small details of the wedding like which flowers to use or the colour scheme for the reception.

In the end, we decided the wedding would be according to Islamic traditions; however, we had also come to an agreement that we'll be holding the reception the same day, unlike how Tahira had told me that the reception is held with a day gap after the wedding.

It was confusing at first, how we'd be getting married but in the end, I told Tahira that I didn't care how we got married, as long as she was my wife at the end of the day. She had blushed so much after I said that, for a while I was sure that the blush wouldn't go anywhere from her cheeks.

Getting my cast removed was one of the best feelings in the world. My arm left lighter than I had gotten used to after the past month but it also made my skin look weird. And since I had gotten my casts removed, I was removed from the wheelchair and was given crutches to walk with.

One morning, when I walked into the kitchen for breakfast, I was slightly surprised by the sight I saw. Tahira was making breakfast, but as the food she was making was being cooked, her fingers were tapping as if playing with the music, humming something, wires stuck inside her hijab. That's when I realised she had earphones in her ear.

In the two years I had been with her, never had I seen her like this. Well, except for the time Pooja and her started jamming to the song in her car.

"Tahira?" I asked but got no response from her. I walked forward, the crutches being a small problem as I was still getting used to walking with them "Hey." I said tapping her shoulder and she quickly turned around, almost crashing into me.

She pulled out one earphone from her ear and beats from an instrument could be heard, but I didn't recognise it. "Oh, sorry. Didn't hear you." I chuckled

"What are you doing up so early?" I asked and she moved away, taking out two mugs from the cupboard above her

"Tea?" She asked and I nodded "Yeah, thanks."

"I couldn't sleep after I woke up for my prayers. Got hungry so I thought why not have an early breakfast?" Tahira replied to my previous question as I took a seat on the table, letting out a sigh of relief as the crutches were removed from my underarms.

Tahira chuckled, obviously understanding why I sighed and I couldn't help but smile slightly

"Is that why you're wearing your hijab so early in the morning?" I asked and she nodded

"Yes. But it's good that I did."


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