Chapter 69

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Harry's P.O.V


I was sad for some reason, walking somewhere with a bouquet of white roses in my hand. My eyes didn't leave the ground though. It felt like I had walked these roads before so many times that I didn't even have to look where I was walking.

I didn't look up as I reached a set of iron gates. Pushing them open, they let out a small creek. But I kept walking. My nose felt cold. The old, worn out scarf wrapped around my neck wasn't helping much, but I didn't care. All that mattered to me was I had to wear that scarf. The ground was white, covered in snow and fog came out of my mouth as I breathed through it.

I walked for a few minutes more, stopping dead when I reached, what I think, was my destination. I looked up then, looking at what I think was a gravestone, but I couldn't really tell exactly because the snow was completely covering it and because of it's small size. I walked forward towards it. Kneeling down beside it, I placed the flowers in front of the gravestone. I rubbed the snow off it, revealing the person underneath.

'Tahira Sultan (Styles)

4th November 1996 - 15th April 2018

Beloved daughter, wife and mother.'

I felt my eyes widening subconsciously, not believing what I was seeing but physically I gave a small smile

"Hey, darling. How've you been?" My voice sounded more mature from what I used to hearing. I suddenly chuckled for some reason "I know, I know. I'm sorry for getting you a gravestone even when you told me not to. Again."

I took off the gloves I was wearing and ran my fingers over her name just as tears pricked my eyes "It's still hard to believe you've been gone for so long..." My voice croaked and I felt a hand on my shoulder


I quickly blinked my tears back, my hand covering the one on my shoulder and I took the hand in mine, brining it down "Come sit with me, princess." I said, looking up to see Tahira's face greeting me, but when I looked closer, I saw her eyes were green like mine, not the brown I loved and she even looked older than Tahira.

"Assalamu 'alaikum, mum." My daughter said as she sat beside me, wrapping an arm around my back while I smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead

"What are you doing here, Ameera?" I asked and she looked down

"I was missing you, daddy. You said you'd be here today." I gave her a sad smile

"There's no need to miss me. I'm always there with you, even if not physically. Just like your mum." I said and she wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. I stumbled back a little from the sudden hug, but quickly regained my balance and hugged her back

"What's wrong, love?" I asked but she shook her head and instantly I knew what was wrong "It's not your fault, princess. How many times do I have to tell you this?" I asked and she pulled back. Silent tears were sliding down her face and I wiped them away with my fingers

"I can't help feeling like it's my fault, daddy. You lost your wife because of me." She said and I sighed, closing my eyes in pain from the memory

"Your mum loved you. More than she loved me. She wasn't hesitant in telling me that when she was pregnant with you either." I said and she chuckled, looking up at me "And even though she's not here with us physically, she's watching us. I know she'd hate to know that you still think it's your fault she died. It's been more than thirty years since then. You can't keep thinking like this." I said and she nodded

"I'll try." She said and I smiled. Her eyes then landed on the scarf I was wearing "Daddy, why don't you buy a new scarf? You must be feeling cold in this." She said and I shook my head

"No. Your mum gave this to me. I'll never get rid of it." I said and she shook her head. She opened her mouth but a phone beeped then and she gave me a sheepish smile as she pulled out a phone from her pocket. She texted something before putting the phone back in her pocket.

"I need to go pick your grandchildren up from school. I'll see you later, daddy." She said and gave me another hug before walking away. I felt a tear fall down my cheek and I looked at the gravestone again

"She looks just like you. Thirty years, and I still remember the time I brought her home from the hospital for the first time. But it seemed so empty without you in it..." I said, tears starting to flow uncontrollably and that when I heard that voice


"Tahira?" I asked, looking around to find where her voice was coming from

"Harry! Wake up!"

I jerked awake. Eyes wide, sweat drenching my whole body as a tear fell down the corner of my eye. My heart was pounding loudly in my chest. A hand cupped my cheek and my eyes snapped up.

I thought I was still dreaming when I saw her face, but when she leaned in closer, I saw concern and worry in those brown eyes I loved.

"You're here." I said in wonder and she looked at me confused

"I'm here. Everything's fine, Harry. It was just a dream." She whispered, pushing some strands away that clung to my face. I pulled her down on me then. Burying my face in her hair and hugging her close tightly but she didn't utter a word, just ran her hand on my arm in a calming motion, muttering comforting words.

For the next few days, I refused to even let her be out of my sight. Dreaming about her dead twice, and cause of death being same in both, it was easy to say I was terrified of losing her. She never complained though. Somehow, she understood why I was being so clingy after a night of having a bad dream. But since then, she also has been blowing something on my face whenever she thought I was sleeping during the night.

I never asked her what. Whatever she did, it helped me from suffering from the aftermath of that dream like I usually had in the past. I didn't tell her what I'd dreamt about, not wanting to scare her.

I just hoped I never saw something like that again.


AN: Okay... The dream got longer than I had originally planned but oh well. Don't say anything about it being a sad chap during the honeymoon. It was important for something I have in mind for future chaps. Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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