Chapter 58

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Tahira's P.O.V

My eyes widened at his statement "Get married!? Are you out of your mind? We won't be getting married until you are completely alright!" I said firmly and he sighed



"Listen to me." I grumbled but looked towards him again "What?"

"What did I tell you? When we were deciding on the date?" He asked and I frowned

"A new year, a new beginning... But, Harry..." He shook his head

"I'm standing by it. And even so, the doctor just said I'm recovering fast. Maybe I'll be fine by December. If not mid month." He said but I shook my head

"No, Harry. You should be resting after that." I said and he sighed

"Tell me something honestly." I nodded hesitantly "Do you want to get married right now? Just a yes or no answer." He asked and I sighed

"Sometimes more than anything." I whispered and he raised my head up again, making me look into his eyes

"Then why delay something we both want? Leave my current situation out of it, please."

"It's not that easy, Harry... The memory still haunts me in the night... Seeing you lying there on the road... You looked dead." My shoulders shuddered and my eyes closed, I felt Harry's breath on my face as he sighed.

"It can't be... I should know that better than anyone." He said making my eyes open, looking at him confused.

He sighed and hesitantly cupped my cheek "Do you know why I came to your house that night? The night I discovered the truth about us?" He asked and I shook my head

"Papa never told me."

He ran his thumb on my cheek, his face serene but eyes telling a different story "I dreamt that you died..."

My eyes widened "How?" I asked

"Childbirth. You lost so much blood... That dream still haunts me some nights. Especially after we got engaged."

"Oh, Harry..." I whispered and cupped his cheek "Nothing is going to happen to me. Not now and not anytime soon. I'll be fine." He looked at me in the eye before sighing

"I shouldn't be asking this but can I get another hug?" He looked so adorable that moment, I couldn't help but chuckle slightly, but inside, I was hoping that Allah could forgive me for what I was about to do.


He didn't need another encouragement. In a second, I found myself in his arms again. His arm went around my back, head resting on mine as I rested my head on his chest, closing my eyes as I hesitantly hugged him back. I felt him take a breath in, as if he was feeling content and I couldn't help but do the same.

Harry muttered something but I didn't catch it. Exhaustion of the past five days suddenly caught up to me and before I knew it, I was fast asleep in the arms of my fiancé.

Harry's P.O.V

"This feels nice." I said quietly, but didn't get a reply from Tahira, which left me a bit confused. I picked my head up, looking down at her only to realise that she fell asleep, but there was a small smile on her lips.

And that's when I noticed the light dark circles under her eyes. Didn't eat or sleep properly, I concluded and sighed. What had she done to herself the past five days? I wondered.

I was drifting in and out of consciousness. When I was conscious, I couldn't move my body but I did hear and feel everything. Every time I felt someone's hand in mine, small but fitting perfectly in mine. It made me wonder who it was because I thought that Tahira wouldn't hold my hand. At least not until we were married, but how wrong I was.

I rested my head back against the pillow, my shoulders and back slightly protesting from the movement but I ignored the pain. Tahira shifted slightly in my arms and I froze but then relaxed when she went still again.

That's when mum entered the room, a bowl in her hand "I got you some soup..." Her eyes softened when she looked at us "Finally." She whispered and I looked at her confused

"Mum?" I asked in a silent question and she sat on the chair, where I found Tahira when I woke up. She placed the bowl on the side table next to the bed before sighing.

"She hasn't been sleeping properly. I was starting to get worried about her too." Mum said and I sighed

"I guessed as much. How has she been coping?" I asked and mum shook her head.

"Not very well. She hasn't moved from this room since you were moved here. Until today."

I frowned "You were here when I was in surgery?" I asked and she shook her head

"Louis called me after your surgery was over. I got here later." She smiled slightly "She fell asleep on your hand while holding it. If it wasn't such a serious time then, I would've found it adorable."

I smiled slightly at the head resting on my chest.

"She kept waking up in the middle of the night though... Nightmares probably. But she never shouted or screamed... Or slept after that." My smile fell as I remembered her words from before

"The memory still haunts me in the night..."

The arm I had wrapped around her waist tightened and she nuzzled into me more, giving out a soft sigh.

Despite my protest, mum fed me the soup on her own. I told her I'll be able to have it, manage somehow, but she told me to stop being difficult, that I had someone sleeping on me, adding that she didn't want anyone to wake Tahira up right now. And I reluctantly gave in, letting my mum feed the the soup along with my prescribed medicines.

I crinkled my nose when the tube started to make it's presence feel known. I wished I could take it out but unfortunately, doctors orders. Couldn't do anything but obey.

Mum and I were silent after that. Not really having anything to say to each other, other than the occasional small talk.

Mum had decided to leave the hospital, saying that she just wanted to be here when I woke up and will return the next day. I was a little surprised by that but she just gave me a secret smile before leaving.

I closed my eyes, resting my head on my pillow after mum left. But my eyes snapped open when I felt the hospital gown I was in being crumpled up in small balls. When I looked down at the head on my chest, a frown was present, eyes tightly shut and an occasional whimper escaping the slightly parted lips.

Instinctively, I started running my hand on her back, mumbling comforting words and she relaxed slowly. The fists she had made loosened and eyes relaxed from their tight position.

She was going to freak out when she woke up.


AN: Just go with the flow... Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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