Chapter 1

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"Bye!" I yelled to our Landlord as I sped out the door. I woke up 30 minutes ago for my 5PM shift at the restaurant. I was working until closing and and needed my beauty sleep. I could do my make up once I got there. My hair was still good from last night, the better I looked the more old men tipped me. Gross but efficient for my goal.

If my brothers ever knew where I was working, or how I was working, they would lose their minds. The thought made me chuckle. 

I walked to work, another thing that would make them have heart attacks. I walked alone to work, from my apartment, all the way to the restaurant. It was only a 20 minute walk, but when I first started walking to work I remembered how that 20 minutes tasted like sweet freedom. 

The feeling of being truly alone, the slight fear of getting kidnapped or murdered. No safety net. Thrilling and terrifying all at once.

Now it tastes like broke and car-less, but every once in a while when the air is extra crisp I feel the twinkle of thrill. The relief that today my two idiot brothers won't stage a fake kidnapping to teach me a lesson and hospitalize me in the process. 

I reached the restaurant and slipped in through the back. I got into my uniform, tight black blouse and tight black pencil skirt, and black heels. I untied my hair and let it fall loosely around my shoulders. I put on my foundation, just enough to cover the bags, lined my eyes with brown liner, and put on dark maroon lipstick. All things I learned from my roommates and the internet.

I walked on to the floor and greeted my regulars. 

"Isabella sweetheart come give me a kiss," Harrold, a man in his 60s called me over. At the restaurant I went by Isabella, in case someone came looking for me. 

"Oh Har," I pretended to be shy, but really if I had to get harassed by one of these old fucks again I told Mauricio, the owner, I'd be doing dishes for the rest of the year, "I'll bring the usual." I flashed my best smile and headed past the doors to the kitchen.

"I'll spit in it for you baby," said Andre the ever so loyal sous chef who was mildly in love with me handed me Harrold's plate.

"Don't be jealous," I laughed.

"I didn't hear that," said Mauricio walking over. 

"Iz darling, how are you, muah muah," My very wonderful boss asked and kissed both my cheeks.

"Ready for the night," I smiled and walked backwards through the double doors, ready to take on the evenings customers.

*End of shift*

"My feet hurt," I groaned, sprawled out on the floor of our dressing room.

"No one told you to wear heels," Gavin, another server chided. 

"You shut your mouth," I glared and pointed my cursed shoe at him.

"You say this every night but then you see your massive tips and forget about it." Gavin said and handed me a wad of cash.

"Oh yeah," I smiled and fanned myself.

"Harrold was asking about you again, asking what you're doing after your shift." 

"Tell him I'm going to be a night shift nurse for my ailing great aunt who has medical bills piling up. Maybe he'll tip better next time." 

I bit my tongue between my teeth and said a little prayer for Rosa. 

She was completely fine, the last time we spoke she h told me to use her as an excuse to get customers to tip me well. I didn't visit Rosa very often as I didn't want Angelo, the spy my brother hired, to see me and get word back to my family. Rosa was very understanding.

"I was a fire cracker myself, ran away to America against my fathers wishes. I was a sexy little thing, it may not seem like it now but my breasts used to be north of the equator. I looked like you if you took care of yourself better. So many men wanted me but no one tickled my berries the right way." 

I remember fighting back the vomit that inevitably came up after that conversation. She was incredibly supportive of me and slipped me some cash here and there when I looked particularly hungry. I hadn't visited her in a while. 

 I decided to visit her soon, sometime when her prying neighbors weren't around. 

I packed my things and put on my non work clothes and walked out through the back with my coworkers, we said our goodbyes and headed our separate ways. 

Almost home- I texted Bernie and Anita. We always kept each other in the loop of what we were doing, for safety. Bernie, in old lady fashion, like her name as she says, sleeps at 9pm. But Anita is a night owl who stays up until I get home. 

I walked past a bar and saw a figure, leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette. My heart dropped to my stomach. I froze in place and he looked up at me, eyes widening like mine. 



Who do we think it is? 

Muahahha I hope you guys enjoy this story, it's a little different that the first two phases of Lydia's life, I am not a 15 year old girl anymore so hopefully she will will be reflecting the maturity of the person writing her. 

It might seem a little lonely now but family is always right around the corner.

also plz excuse any typos, I've been reading and rereading the chapters Ive written so far and I am officially chapter blind. It's been so nerve wracking creating a new storyline I hope you guys enjoy it!!

-Anna <3

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