Chapter 25

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Felix's eyes went wide as the needle came to his chest, as if he was regretting his decision. 

The boys were still cheering, not noticing the fear in Felix's eyes, the way his chest was heaving.

I saw his outstretched hand, the other hand gripping the edge of the table until his knuckles were white. 

I did the only thing I could think of, I sprang forward and held his hand, tightly. 

"I got you," I said and squeezed his hand. He looked at me with small relief.

He squeezed my hand so hard I thought my knuckles were about to crack. 

As the tattoo artist worked I pulled out my phone to send Anthony a text. I ignored his texts to me, probably asking when I would get home. To our home. That we shared. But weren't together romantically. Why weren't we together again?

L: I'm get in a tag logo






I gave up

A: What? Where are you?

L: Tatho dhop

A: Are you with your brothers???

L: tes

A: Are you drunk? 

L: tes

A: send me your location please.

L: ni

A: Lydia please.

I locked my phone and looked back up at Felix who had his eyes squeezed shut.

"Distract me," he begged.

"Felix Tonelli begging, what a sight," I couldn't stop myself from saying.

His eyes snapped open and I swear the gates of hell opened in his eyes.

"Just kidding!" I squeaked and he narrowed his eyes.

"Tell me about Anthony," he asked.

"There's nothing to tell." 

"You guys are living together now?" 

"Who told you?" I whipped my head around at my brothers who were all looking in different directions.

Joey was cross-eyed so he didn't count.

"I'm Felix Tonelli, remember? I know everything," he panted.

"You know what, you're the one in the chair, you have to answer my questions." 

He glowered at me but didn't argue.

"How did you know where I lived when I first moved." 


"You don't want to answer, fine." I made to pull out my hand but he gripped it harder.

"I knew your landlord!" 


"I made it my business to know," he said with a sly grin, forgetting the needle stabbing into his chest.


"Because you wanted to move to New York at 18 years old, so I went to every landlord in a 15-mile radius of your school and gave them my number." 

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