Chapter 7

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The plane ride was quiet, Anthony had accompanied me to the airport, but I made him leave while we were outside. I didn't want to draw Felix's attention to him. 

The ride home was quiet. Felix had left his car at the airport so he could drive us back directly. I assumed because everyone was at the hospital no one would be able to pick us up. 

It was so unlike previous trips with big welcomes and warm greetings. My guess was that they were at the hospital that my dad was staying at. I hadn't called my mom, or my dad since I found out. I just wanted to get there and see for myself. 

I stared out the window at the familiar scenery. I was hoping Felix wouldn't speak the way home, I didn't want to argue or fight. 

"Here?" I asked, startled. Felix hadn't taken me home, he took me straight to the hospital. 


"I'm not ready," I said, I didn't want to do this now. I thought I would have a chance to go home and breathe before I saw my dad in whatever state he was in. 

"You're fine." He shut the door and walked around, opening mine. He was determined not to give me a break, just throw me back into the thick of it. 

We walked inside the hospital, it was nice, it had a waterfall in the lobby, people were milling around with coffees in their hand. But once you got past the first floor is where the reality of he hospital set in. White floors, white halls, cream colored doors and the smell I couldn't quite place. Like cafeteria food and cherry flavored medicine. 

We walked down a quiet hall, where all you heard was the steady beep of machines, I felt my heart racing as we neared the door at the end of the hall. I looked at Felix, he looked unfazed but haunted.

I entered the room and instantly felt a lump in my throat, and the lump only grew as I looked around the room. It was six of the tallest, biggest men I new, crowded in a tiny hospital room, surrounding a bed. 

I pushed through them all to get to the bed. I saw my Dad, hooked up to machinery, tubes in his nose and needles in his arms. 

"Papa?" I said and broke into sobs. He lifted his hand weakly and I fell to the floor next to his bed grasping his hand. 

Joey's POV

Lydia's shoulders shook with sobs and Ma hugged her tightly from behind, stroking and kissing her hair.

We were here all day everyday since it happened, none of us had slept. Felix Leo and Greg had temporarily moved back home to be closer to Ma and us, everyone had to share rooms again. 

The second it happened Felix booked his flight to get Lydia, convinced he had to be the one to bring her home, and that this would repair their relationship and bring her home to us again. He felt guilty for being the reason she doesn't talk to anyone anymore, and he should feel that way.

I couldn't deny the relief I felt by her being there. It was the one good thing came out of all of this, although none of us would say that out loud. 

When it first happened, one of the first thoughts I had was, maybe now Lydia will come home. Maybe now she would forgive us for letting her down.

She stayed next to Dad, whispering to him, and he stroked her hand and whispered back. He had regained much strength these few days, doctors said he was on his way to a full recovery, but he was far from the robust man he was when Lydia saw him last. Seeing him in his weakened state would have an effect on her, as it had all of us.  

She got up after a while and turned around, her eyes landed on me and she rushed forward and hugged me. 

"Hi Joey," She said into my shirt. 

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