Chapter 19

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"How many drinks did you have last night?" Anthony asked.

"God Anthony don't ask me that I'm gonna puke," I said and shoved a spoonful of hot fudge sundae in my mouth.

"What you didn't like the jungle juice?"

"No I loved it, until Lexi told me it has Ebola in it."

"You mean E.Coli?"

"Don't correct me. She said what she said."

"Alright," He laughed.

"I'm never drinking again."

"Do you drink like that often?" He asked, trying to bring up the question casually but I could hear the underlying worry.

"No Dad." I rolled my eyes.

"I prefer Daddy," He paused and the ice cream almost came out of my nose, "And that's good to know."

I decide two can play this game and shove the spoonful of ice cream into my mouth, sucking on it slowly and making eye contact. 

"Why? Does it bother you?" I look up through my lashes innocently.

"N-no," he stutters and looks down. 

"Anthony, you've already revealed your crazy. I got over you flying here to stalk me. You being a little protective isn't going to scare me off." 

"It's not?" He lifts a brow.


"I don't like the thought of you getting belligerently drunk without anyone around. Especially not having a ride. It wasn't the smartest decision."

"First of all I wasn't alone, I was with Lexi and her friend who was going to take us home. I wasn't being stupid."

"Why didn't he take you home?"

"I don't- I don't know." I felt a little embarrassed. I didn't like feeling stupid, or naive. I didn't like that Anthony thought I didn't know how to be safe and smart.

I couldn't shake the weird feeling from that night, but until I could find out for myself I didn't want to talk about it. I myself was confused about the whole thing, why Lexi wouldn't tell me Jay had left without us. 

"Lexi never told you?" 

"She just said he went to go see his boyfriend."

"And you two would what? Just uber drunk? At that hour?" 

"Drop it please." I started to feel hot with anger. Not sure if it was directed at Anthony's probing or Lexi. 

"It's not my business," He relented when he saw I was getting upset, "I just like getting to take you home, and watching you walk through the door."

"Yeah we established you're a stalker." I changed the subject.

"We've established that you like it."

"When was that?" I acted mad still but couldn't help but smile at the memory of Anthony walking me home every night. 

"It was when-"

"Order for Marcus Tonelli!"

"Oh no way." I blanched.

"Your brother is here." 

"I'm feeling a strong sense of deja vu right now." I sighed without looking up.

"Order for Leah Kim!"

"No way," I looked at Anthony, who was surveying for me. He had a curious smile on his face.

"Your brother is here with a girl."

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