Chapter 8- A

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Anthony's POV

She folded her clothes one by one and handed them to me. All the while her brow was furrowed, I wanted to smooth it out and tell her she'd get wrinkles but I thought maybe I should be serious for once. I just kept staring at her like a creep.

She's having a hard time, I know she is. She's not speaking, and I want to know what's happening in her head so badly. I want her to speak to me and confide in me, but I don't want to freak her out.

I can tell she's holding her feelings in, and I want to shake her and tell her it's okay to tell me everything. I want to know every thought that's ever grazed her mind. I want to know how she's feeling at all times of day. I want to know what kind of laundry detergent she uses because her clothes smell amazing, and I want to know how angry she is that her brother is paying her rent. I want to know everything. 

The second I saw her that night I was mesmerized. Her long curly hair reached her waist, and dark eyes pierced my soul. She looked strikingly beautiful, and sad.

She was walking alone in the middle of the night and I heard my grandmother's voice inside my head saying "You better walk her to her door young man!" I walked with her that night and she barely spoke to me, pretended like she didn't care to which made me pine after her even more.

When I saw her again the next night I couldn't believe my luck. I walked her home again, wanting another chance to talk to her, to know what she was doing here. Why she was walking home alone at this hour, why she looked so pretty and kidnappable. 

From that night on I decided to become her body guard, the thought of her walking alone every night drove me nuts. 

Of course I didn't tell her that, if she thought I was walking her home to protect her she would chop my balls of as proof she didn't need it. Maybe she didn't need it, maybe she was as invincible as she thought. It gave me time to get to know her, and time away from the bar.

 Every night I would have dreams about the girl with curly hair and dark eyes. And every day I would count down the hours until the end of her shift. 

The day Felix came into town worried me. I knew guys like him, wannabe gangsters. I knew him from our town, everyone knew him. I felt bad for Lydia, she had to go back to the place we both escaped. 

"Will you stay with me," Lydia looked up at me with glistening eyes, her cheeks and nose tinged pink, she looked adorable. I wanted to grab her face and squish it but I thought it was too soon.

"I'll stay as long as you need me." 

I stayed that night, I fell asleep rubbing her back, giddy to even be that close to her.

"Let's get you to the couch,"

I felt the cushion under me and fell asleep again, only to be woken up by the couch dipping. I felt something soft and warm graze my arm. 

My eyes shot open, it was Lydia. She was trying to sleep on the edge of the couch. Without thinking I reached for her waist and pulled her into my body. Burying my face in her sweet smelling curls. I fell back asleep.


Lydia had turned around at some point at night, tangled her legs in mine and smacked the ever loving shit out of my face. 

After a few more moments of peace she turned around again, pressing every inch her her body against mine. My heart started pounding and I was too awake. Uncomfortably awake. 

Come on Anthony, think of Grandmas, think of  old man balls, old hairy wrinkly testes


Right in the adams apple.

The next morning I took the train with her to the airport. Much to her frustration I didn't let her carry her luggage, Yia Yia's voice in my head once more pushing me to be a gentleman.

"Look, just let the patriarchy do this one thing for you, you don't have to carry a heavy bag."

"You are absurd!" She giggled.

"Everyone here should be afraid of you," I continued, "You have a mean right hook."

Her cheeks turned red and she turned her face away from me at the mention of our night spent on the same couch.

"Last night didn't happen." 

"Tell that to my Trachea." I teased. Hoping she would only reflect on the fun parts of last night and not feel embarrassed about being so vulnerable. 

"I can't deal with you," She laughed and covered her mouth.

We got to the airport and she didn't let me come inside.

"I don't want Felix to see you again. I don't want him to think there's anything going on." 

"Yeah no I don't want him to see the bruising and think somethings happened between us." I teased. When in reality I wanted to grab her and kiss her mouth and tell her I didn't care what her brother did or thought, let him find out.

But I didn't. I kept making jokes like the clown I am. 

"I'll see you never," She joked, then frowned.

"I'll see you when you get back," I reassured her, and she gave me a quick side hug, grabbed her luggage and ran in without another word. 

Later that day at work.

"I should have gone with her." I said to Raul, my friend who ran the bar with me.

"Didn't you say she has a crazy brother?" He said and continued polishing cups, "And you have a job, did you forget, you're kind of one of the owners here."

"Neither of those are important factors."

"Okay," He rolled his eyes.

"I should book a flight now." 

"You are being irrational. You don't even have the girls phone number."

Then it hit me, I don't even have Lydia's phone number. 

"I'll be back." 

I walked all the way to Lydia's apartment, praying her roommates were home.

I knocked on their door. 

"It's me," I said a little loudly, they didn't have a peephole and I didn't want to scare them.

"Who's me?" Anita's voice came through full of attitude.


"Ohhh, Anthony, hello." Anita swung open the door holding a fire place poker in one hand.

"Do you even have a fire place?"

"Do you want to ask questions or do you want to come in for coffee?"


I left the apartment with Lydia's phone number. It took some convincing but Anita gave in after I let her read my coffee cup and she saw "Lots of money and children" in my future. 

That evening I texted her.

Hey Lydia

Woooh, had to hit you with a surprise update, you can thank  @ReesesPieces945 for convincing me

Do we like Anthony's pov? 

There is still a lot to come with Lydia back home, I thought it would be fun to recap the day from Anthony's pov, and fill in some blanks in the story from last chapter. 

Love, Anna 

ps. I update every friday for those of you who don't know

p.p.s are there any og readers who can appreciate that i'm actually updating on time lol, and not a year apart?

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