Chapter 9

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Hi Lydia

I looked at the number, it wasn't one I recognized, they kept typing.

It's Anthony

My heart leapt, I didn't even think to ask for his number before I left.

How did you get my number you creep?

Anita gave it to me

You went to my apartment?

I had to bribe her, it was a whole thing... She is very loyal to you.

Clearly not loyal enough

Don't be mad, I deserve it after my injury. The doctor said my opera career is over.



"Lyd, dinners ready." Joey knocked on my door.

I got to go, I'll talk to you later. Stalker.

I locked my phone and tossed it aside. My stomach fluttered thinking about him going all the way to my apartment to get my phone number.

I pushed aside the thoughts of Anthony and prepared myself to go downstairs.

I walked down next to Joey and sat at the table I hadn't sat at in two years. It was a surreal feeling.

Leo brought a huge pot of spaghetti and meatballs to the table.

"Again," Melvin groaned.

"If you don't like it, you cook."

"Can't Shaina come cook?" Melvin asked.

"She got called in tonight." He replied.

Shaina? I wondered.

"The paramedic from the night you had a concussion," Joey whispered to me.

My hand shot up immediately to the fading scar on my mouth. So Leo was with her? What else did I miss all this time.

"Your lip looks better now." Melvin stated. Everyone heard Joey whisper to me.

"My roommate rubs Donkey oil on it every night." It was true, for a while Anita would use her home remedies on me, one of them was donkey oil. As soon as she saw the scar she didn't stop bothering me until I was applying it every night. I didn't want to know if it was actually made of donkey so I didn't ask.

He stifled a laugh.

It was so strange. Looking around the table, everyone was older, handsome, facial hair. Highschool was such a blur now. Everything we used to argue about seemed so petty in the wake of my father's heart attack.

My eyes fell on Felix and I remembered exactly why I was so mad again.

I shoveled spaghetti on to my plate.

"What about Leah?" Melvin asked Marcus.

Who the hell was Leah, and was Lacey gone?

"Lacey's been gone for a while. It's Leah now." Joey whispered.

"Yeah. It's Leah now. Him and Lacey broke up around two years ago," Greg was looking directly at me for the first time and ranting, "Lexi dumped Melvin."

"Come on bro," Melvin interjected.

"And Leo and Shaina started dating two years ago. And Felix and Leo moved out a year and a half ago, and I moved out a few months ago. Oh and Marcus got a tattoo. Let me think what else have you missed after leaving us and blocking everyone."

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