Chapter 21

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"Lydia if I have to come in and turn off your alarm I will also be turning off your life!" Anthony yelled from the room nextdoor.

The walls were paper thin, probably a diy project from the previous owner. Or Anthony had called Raul on our way to the airport and begged him to build a second bedroom so I would stay with him. Anthony denied it but I liked to bring up this theory every now and then.

I got up and rubbed my eyes.

Yesterday was my last day of classes and graduation was this saturday. It had been over a month since I had been home. I blocked all my siblings and Lexi after receiving a barrage of texts and calls that night.

I walked into the kitchen and starting making a pot of coffee. Anthony walked out of his room, rubbing his head and squinting his eyes.

"Why do you have to be up so early today?" He asked and trapped me against the counter in a hug. I hugged him back, breathing in the comforting scent of his neck.

"It's 1PM Anthony." I laughed.


"Somebody is too clingy and made me work as manager at his restaurant, so I have to be there at 1:30." I gave him a pointed look.

"Me?" He act fake shocked, "I only gave you this job so the walk home would be shorter."

In the weeks after I left home, Anthony helped me move my things out of the apartment. Bernie and Anita had been sad to see me go but understood.

Once in a while they came over to our apartment to hang out, and understood I didn't want to be in a place my brother kept tabs on.

Our lease was almost up anyway, all of us going our separate ways after graduation.

Anita back home, to her dismay. Bernie going to the Dominican Republic for a year to spend time with family before starting grad school.

As for myself. I didn't know what I was doing. I was shacking up with a boyfriend is what Rosa said.

"I can't even go back to the restaurant. I lived off those tips, it's amazing money. Now I'm scared Felix will come looking again." I cried to Anthony.

"Work at my restaurant."

"Why don't you chew my food for me too!" I snapped, "I can't keep relying on you for everything."

"You would be doing me a favor. Me and Raul have been working to the bone, we need a general manager. You have the experience, you have the qualifications, and it's right under our apartment."

Our apartment, my heart fluttered at that. But again I felt like I was giving up my independence by letting him give me a home and a job.

"You'll make even more as manager, you won't have to pretend to flirt with old men, and I won't have to walk you home every night. Please, you'll be doing me a favor."

I felt a turmoil of feelings. Not having to work as a waitress, but still make good money was appealing. Living in his apartment right above work was a dream come true. Getting to see Anthony everyday was exciting. But I felt like I was falling into a very dangerous trope, a typical trope of girls getting too entangled in their boyfriends lives and things falling apart.

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