Chapter 4

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The oldest Tonelli.

The one that kicked me out of the house.

The one I hadn't seen or talked to in 2 years.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I ducked behind the nearest tree, peeking out to see if he saw me.

What the hell was he doing here? I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how long he would be at Rosa's so I waited a few minutes before hauling ass back to the subway.

Was he alone? How long was he here for? Why was he visiting Rosa? I was too scared to call her, I didn't want him to see my name or have her ask me questions.

I hurried home and tried to wait it out. He was just visiting Rosa, not a big deal. I just have to avoid Rosa's house and leaving my apartment for anything other than work for a few days.

That would be easy right?

*The next day*

The next day I woke up early, finished my online lecture and got ready to go to work, I was working the lunch rush.

"Hi Mau!" I greeted Mauricio, ready to start my shift.

"Izzy darling," He kissed both cheeks.

"Only two tables today, slow Monday." Gavin said.


"Mauricio, that guy at the table by the door wants to talk to you, didn't say why."

"Maybe he wants to ask me out." Mauricio grinned and walked towards the back.

I walked after him and started bussing tables. When I saw who he was walking to I threw myself under the nearest table, breath caught in my throat.

"Hi sir how can I help you today."

"I'm looking for someone who might work here. Her name is Lydia." Felix's back was turned, facing the door, he couldn't see behind him but I stayed hidden under the table.


"Sorry we don't have anyone here by that name. Can I get you something to drink? Iz can you take his order?" He turned and saw that I was not there, "Iz? Where did you go?"

I rushed out from under the table and tried to walk as inconspicuous as I could to the kitchen.

"Hm, she might also go by Isabella."

"Yeah that's our Izzy,"

By the time he said that I had reached the kitchen doors, I turned around before opening the doors and saw Felix looking straight at me.  I threw myself through the doors.

"I gotta go! I'm sorry, family emergency." I yelled to Gavin.

"What? Oh-okay," He said confused and I didn't even stop to grab my clothes. I sprinted out the back and ran towards home, I was losing my breath and looking back ever few steps.

These fucking shoes! I cursed, I couldn't run in these, my feet were starting to give up on me.

I passed by Anthony's bar and saw him in the window. I checked behind me again and decided to go in, in case Felix was coming after me I could wait until he passed.

I went in and sat at the nearest table, trying to catch my breath.


"Yes please."

"What's going on," slight concern in his voice could be heard, under the amusement.

"Felix is here."

"In the room with us?" He said and looked around sarcastically.

"No, he's in the city. He found where I work and followed me there. I don't know how he found me."

"Okay, so family reunion."

"I didn't exactly leave them on the best terms."

"Yeah I can't imagine the Tonelli brothers letting baby sister move to New York by herself."

I knew my aversion to talking about family didn't stop him from wondering, clearly he had given it some thought.

"Well they don't have to 'let' me do anything. I'm 22 years old, I've been living here for four years. They can kiss my ass."

"Is that why you're hiding from Felix miss tough girl?" He quirked a brow.

"Shut up," I said and poured the ice from my cup into my mouth. I crunched angrily.

"You're gonna break your teeth." He warned, and I crunched harder.

"I'm hiding because I don't talk to my family anymore. I am no-contact with them, I have been for 2 years."

"No contact?" He questioned, "Is that something tik tok therapists invented?"

"You know what, I'll just go home now." I said but had no intention of moving, I was too scared.

"No no please, stay. Don't let me disturb you miss. Feel free to fill out a job application while you're here. That's a nice outfit," My cheeks went red, he was seeing me in my work uniform for the first time.

He continued working, talking to customers, all while keeping me within his sight. Every once in a while he would look over and his customer service smile would falter showing his concern. Did I look that crazy? I tried calming my nerves and keeping my anxious hands still.

I waited 20 minutes, staring out the window to see if Felix walked by. I was concentrated when Anthony came up and said,

"I'll walk you home, come on."


"Come on," He put his hand out and I took it wearily. His hand felt rough and warm, comforting as it covered mine.

I stood up and my hand was still in his, it felt nice and I didn't mind it being there.

"Is that what you wear to work?" He asked, referencing my clothes and apron that was still fastened around my waist. I quickly pulled my hand out of his and pulled off my apron.

"I usually change before I walk home, clearly. I had to leave in a rush today in case you didn't remember."

"So why are you running from Felix."

"I haven't spoken to them in 2 years," I reiterated.

"'No contact' I got that part. Why?" He probed.

"Things were... bad after I left for college. Whatever conversations we had turned ugly. I visited home during holidays for my mom and Joey, but things got heated and I left. It was clear I wasn't welcome back. My parents don't run that house." I was sharing more than I was comfortable with, but it was nice to finally let it out.

"I'm sorry."

"Me too."

The last time Anthony walked me home we were almost flirting, and now I felt too nauseous to speak. I felt safer with Anthony around, that much I could admit to myself, and didn't want him to leave just yet.

"Want to come up? For water or something." I tried to push back the little voice in my head reminding me if I brought him upstairs Bernie and Anita were going to have a lot of questions.

"I'll take a glass of water sure."

He followed me up the stairs and when I walked into my apartment I saw Felix, sitting on my couch. Drinking tea.

"Hello Lydia."


EEEP Felix has arrived, how are we feeling about this

Where is this one going,

You'll find out next week on



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