Chapter 10

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Her blue eyes blinked back at me.

"Hi." She said timidly. Her hair was cut much shorter, and dyed black now, but I could recognize her anywhere. That was Lexi.

As much anger as I had for her, the moment I saw her I couldn't help but grin a huge grin. She had been my best friend for so long, we shared so many memories.

"Hi!" I said again and she rushed forward and hugged me. I hugged her back tightly and we started laughing. 

"Come in, come in." She urged and I walked back in to the house that was home to so many good times.

We sat at her kitchen table and just stared at each other.

"You're back!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, for now." I nodded.

"I'm so sorry about your dad Lydia, I hope he's doing okay now."

"Yeah I think he's going to be okay. I just landed today and saw him, but the doctors say he's gonna come home soon and he's on a good track to recover."

"I'm glad to hear it." She smiled.

"How is it being back?" She asked gently.

"Honestly it sucks. I wish it was through different circumstances, but I don't know if I ever would be back like this, for this long." 

"Yeah I get it." 

We paused for a while before we both blurted.

"I'm sorry I-"

"I'm so sorry-"

"No please you have nothing to apologize for," Lexi rushed to say.

"No I'm sorry I didn't really give you much of an explanation." I said. 

"I understand Lydia. That was not right of me to do. I just kind of lost myself and our friendship in being Melvin's girlfriend. I understand why you had to do that."

I was at a loss for words. It felt so good hearing that come from her. 

"So you and Melvin broke up?" 

"Yeah, after you left and everything happened, I just felt really guilty. Melvin was upset, and it was just a shitty situation overall. I thought he needed some time to be on his own, but I think I really needed to be on my own. We're still cool, but I will not be dating anyone for a long time."

"Good for you." I smiled honestly. 

"What about you?" She asked, and I felt my guard go back up.

Anytime I told her anything she would run and tell Melvin. Even if that wasn't the case anymore I didn't need anyone else to know about Anthony. 

"Nothing serious," I waved her off, "I'm trying to save up enough to go travelling, I don't have time for a boyfriend."

"Where do you work?" She asked.

"At a restaurant."

"I bet you make great tips with those tatas, damn they've grown since I last saw you." 

If I had a drink I would have snorted it out of my nose the way I laughed.

"Oh my god," I laughed. 

"It's true." She laughed, "You've gone up at least two cup sizes." 

"I'm really proud of them actually thank you for noticing. They've gotten me through some hard financial years." 

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