Chapter 13

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Joey's POV

"I'm going," Greg said finally.

It was 4 am and Lydia was not back home. Greg, Marcus, Melvin and I were still up, playing poker at the kitchen table. The nagging feeling of Lydia being out was bothering everyone, but no one said anything until it got really late.

"She's still not back." Marcus shook his head, "I told you I should have gone with her."

"Yeah and made sure she flew back to New York screaming tomorrow, good idea." I snapped.

"I know you're scared she's going to run off Joey but it's 4 in the morning, I would go after you too if you were out this late." Greg said, sounding semi level headed.

I know he was just trying to bait me into telling him what bar it was. I wasn't going to fall for it. I wouldn't let them scare her off again.

"I'm checking google," I said and pulled up the bar on my phone, "It says the bar closed an hour ago."

Everyone sighed exasperated and looked at me angrily as I was the secret keeper at this moment.

"I'll call her," I said trying to diffuse the situation.

The phone rang and immediately was picked up.

We heard loud music and shuffling, like she had picked up from her pocket. I instantly recoiled at how loud it was, and put it on speaker to save my ear drums.

"Lydia!" I said loudly hoping she would hear and pick up the phone.

"I need a drink!"  Lydia's voice came through.

"You're fucked up you don't need a drink!"

"The bartender is hot!"

"Pull your tits out maybe he'll keep giving us free drinks!"

At that I immediately shut the phone and looked up at the boys. Faces pale and in shock, before turning into ferocious anger.

"Tell me where he club is," Greg said calmly, eyes blazing, "Before I light every god forsaken bar in a 10 mile radius on FUCKING fire."

So much for level headed.

Lydia's POV

As soon as they saw us, Joey's face contorted into disappointment, and Melvin's into anger.

"Oh fuckkkk," I giggled and grabbed Lexi.

"Melvin looks so mad." Lexi tried to keep a straight face but failed.

"Shhould we try and get down?" I asked.

"You're wearing the tiniest skirt known to man you're going to flash your entire cooch to the world." She bent over in laughter.

"I have a coat!" I shouted to Joey, not knowing what else to do, "I havve a coat. I swear I have a coat."

Joey and Melvin both marched to the bar immediately. Joey took off his own coat and tossed it up at me.

"Wear it." He ordered.

"The fuck," I mumbled but quickly put on his jacket. As soon as it was on, his huge jacket covering my entire outfit and hitting just above my knee, he grabbed the back of my knees and lifted me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I screeched.

"We're going home Lydia." Joey said and walked even faster. I lifted my head up and saw Lexi and Melvin arguing, Lexi still on the bar holding the bottle of champagne. In a second he snatched the champagne out of her hand and tossed it aside, in the same sweeping motion grabbing the back of her legs and throwing her over his shoulder.

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