Chapter 39: Villain Poor Student (4)

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Song's father and Song's mother took good care of themselves. Time seemed to stop on them, and they looked no different from a few years ago. Song Xuyi recognized them at a glance.


However, she saw red moles behind Song Xuyi's ears and on his elbows.

What has her poor daughter been through all these years...

"It's all my fault! If I had watched you closer that day, you wouldn't have suffered so much all these years..."

Song's mother hugged Song Xuyi and cried until her heart broke, probably because of the remaining emotions in her body, Song Xuyi's eyes also shed tears...

"Today is a day of reunion, please don't cry. Xu Yi is very smart. She has always remembered the address of her home and the names of her parents all these years, so I found you..."

"At the same time, we also want to thank little Xuyi." The flower market policeman who accompanied him squatted in front of Song Xuyi. This is an old policeman in his forties and fifties. He also happened to be surnamed He and smiled very kindly at Song Xuyi: "Xu Yi My parents originally wanted to rush over when they heard the news, but because of the evidence provided by Xu Yi, the human trafficking case we have been investigating has made a key breakthrough. Molecules rushed over after..."

"Soon, more children will return to their homes because of Xu Yi's help..."


With the enlightenment of the people next to her, Song's mother also stopped crying. A group of people surrounded Song Xuyi and asked him how he was. They wished they could make up for what they owed Song Xuyi over the years.


This is an atmosphere that I can't get into at all.

He Siyu stood quietly watching all this:

...So this is the original relative of the little girl from the city?

And the little girl will leave with them and may never meet again...

He Siyu originally thought that he would not care.

The life that was too worrying made her understand that other people are unreliable and only herself can be relied on.

However, looking at Song Xuyi who was surrounded by the crowd, when he thought that no one would come over to touch his head, hold his hand and say to protect himself, and quietly turn his head to the side in the middle of the night to look at him with wet eyes Have you ever fallen asleep and happily boasted that you "studied so well"...

He Siyu couldn't tell exactly what kind of feeling it was, but he felt as if he was being strangled by something invisible, and suddenly he couldn't breathe...

However, being surrounded by so many people and about to return to a happy life, Song Xuyi in the crowd raised his head and looked at He Siyu accurately.

Facing Song Xuyi's gaze, He Siyu's heart suddenly stopped.

"Mom and Dad, I want to take my sister home."

Song Xuyi said this in a local accent, and she purposely said it to He Siyu.

For a moment, He Siyu felt that he had heard it wrong, but seeing the persistence in the girl's eyes, He Siyu clenched his lower lip, and suddenly found that he could not say the words to refuse...

Song Xuyi saw that He Siyu didn't object, so he turned around and told his parents this sentence in Mandarin, and added: "Parents, don't worry, when I grow up a bit, I will adopt my sister..."

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