Chapter 23 One Word

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It was still early in the morning but I was rushing out of the Todoroki's house on Saturday morning. I didn't stop as my name was shouted by many people. I grabbed my shoes not even bothering to put them on as I dash out of the house. My feet slammed against the stone sidewalk as I ran blocks away from the home. Once I reach the park I felt like I was far enough from the house to stop. I sat down on an empty bench to whip my feet and put on my shoes.

"So what the hell is up with you running out the house like a bat out of hell" Zach my bodyguard said while taking a seat beside me "You didn't even put on your shoes"

I looked at Zack in shock I didn't even hear him approach let alone hear him follow me to the park. Zack's cold eyes study me like a lab rat.

"Did something happen?" Zach asked his voice was softer

"I-i don't know" I was flustered as I spoke to him while I finish putting on my shoes. The metal choker that was still around my throat made it okay to talk.

"What the hell do you mean I dOn'T kNoW" Zach asked sarcastically

I took a deep breath trying to calm my shaky breath. Everything had gone so quickly this morning that I hadn't really processed what had happened.

"When I woke up this morning and went to change my clothes I notice that my pj's weren't buttoned right. One button was at the wrong spot but I know I button my shirt the right way before I went to bed. I know I did-" The words die in my mouth as I was trying to process what happened

"You think one of those shits that slept over with your step-brother last night did something to you," Zach asked

I shrugged my shoulders that I didn't know. The only thing I was sure of was that my clothes were placed right when I went to sleep.

"Does it-" Zach looked flustered "-does it hurt-" Zach's shoulder-length dark hair fell across his face as he looked down at the ground "-does it hurt in between your legs"

It took a moment for me to realize what he was asking. He was making sure none of them had raped me but there was no pain down at my vagina. I couldn't help as the blush took over your face.

"N-no" I stutter as I answered "I feel the same down there"

Zach nods his head before speaking "I can offer guards to stand out outside both of your doors so this won't happen again but it's up to you to tell your mom. That is if you want to but I won't force you."

"But won't it be weird if you start guarding me inside the house," I asked

Zach stood up from the park bench doing a little spin to look at me. I felt childlike under his dark stare.

"I'll just lie and say you've been having trouble sleeping and said you would feel more comfortable to have guards while you sleep-"

"but you don't lie" I interrupt him

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