The Invitation

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Author's POV:

The next week rudra and venu started their colleges and on the first day itself clicked friendship with two other boys of their class Pavan and Ram. Both came from middle class families.

On the first day of their college the four boys went to canteen for lunch. They just finished their lunch when Ram stated "I need to go to nurse's office for a bit. I'll be directly met you in the class." Since their college was reputed and had hostel buildings for boys and girls, the college has appointed a nurse for emergencies, though she can only do first aid and refer to them to hospital if it's needed.

"Why what happened?" Pavan asked.

"God! You know this morning when I was coming to college, a spoiled rich brat was recklessly driving his car and almost hit me! It was my lucky day that I made out of it with just some scratches. And do you believe what he did after seeing me on the road after almost he bump into me with his car!?" He was dramatically explaining the morning incident which happened when he was coming to the bus station to catch bus from his home. They widen their eyes listening to this. They asked what happened next, to which Ram replied "That rich snob told me to get out of his way and throw few cash notes on me." He scoffed.

"That's why I hate rich idiots, who only know how to solve things with money. He should've said sorry instead of showing his attitude." It was Pavan scoffing this time to which Ram nodded with agreeing.

Rudra and venu just laughed awkwardly upon listening to their opinions on rich people. They never would wanted to start their friendship based on lies but they have no other option besides hiding their backgrounds of being multi-billionaires. They first wanted to get to know their new friends and let the guys know about them too that they're not like what they thought. So they wanted to reveal it when the time comes. They told their families runs a small business in their hometown, which is not small at all in reality.

Ram was the only child of his parents, his father being a private school teacher and mother do some tailoring works at home.

Pavan has a little sister who just passed out from secondary schooling and waiting for joining college. His father was a bank clerk while his mother was house wife.

The boys were used to go to the college together and went bank to their houses together in the same bus as there houses were all on the same route. Rudra and venu were really enjoying their down to earth life with minimum money they could ever think of.

For the first time in their life they experienced so many things. They were astonished to know they could purchase books on sharing the price and circulate them among the group of 4 to prepare notes. It decreases the expenses and there were lot of things like this. Like studying each member different topics and discussing them among the group to reduce time for preparing the syllabus. They were really enjoying the true friendship for the first time with the two other boys. Their families also welcomed the two boys with open hands who were living apart from their families due to studies. Within weeks Rudra and venu become the two boys family members. Soon Rudra understood venu being little attracted to pavan's little sister Lahari, though ne never talked to her. Rudra caught him stealing glances at the little girl. Of course there was only 2 years age gap.

The girl was calling all his brothers friends 'Annayya'(brother in telugu), just like she calls his own brother, whenever they talk to her. So venu completely avoided to talk to her in fear of her, who would adamant to make a brother out of every male species she sees.

Life was running smoothly, Rudra getting some chocolates and chocolate milkshakes specially without missing on weekends with the same smiling bunny drawn sticky notes pasted on them.

He tried alot to find who was sending his all of this but all in vain. The timings were irregular when he received them so he couldn't find who the bunny was. Yes! He started calling his mysterious girl a 'bunny', since she always draw the smiling face of bunny showing its teeth instead of normal smiley on the sticky notes. Now venu also stopped being surprised by his friend receiving gifts now and then, though rudra doesn't like chocolate but he was adamant on having chocolates when it was gifted by his favourite bunny, he doesn't share them with anyone. It was almost an year since he started to got those things. In another way he was always waiting to receive them. He hoped atleast once he could be able to see her when she was left them for him.

Once he was shocked to found the chocolate from his own college bag when he came to college at morning. He believed he always kept his bag with him, then how could she managed to drop that chocolate without him knowing. He was confused.

One Friday when the boys were coming from the college. Venu's parents were there to take them home for the weekend as they were not going to home from almost an year. Rudra denied politely saying he wanted to have some peace at home without any disturbance cuz he was tired of living with venu. The family just laughed off though they know clearly that he was giving them their family time. Venu wanted to stay there to which Rudra convinced him and let him go with his parents. After an hour the apartment was so silent, he let the house help aunty to have the weekend off as only he was here and there would be no much work.

He came to his room balcony and sat on the chair with his books to pass his time. But he was just sitting idle. His heart felt so lonely. He looked at the sky and saw the moon between so many stars.

'Though the moon was looking adorable and at peace to everyone. Does it really at peace!' He wondered. It was still lonely among so many blinking stars. Sure it looks perfect and admirable to others. But is it really happy being the lonely one among them. He heaved a depressed sigh and slumped back in his chair again closing his eyes and keeping his hands behind his head. After sometime he got up and went into the kitchen to make himself some maggi.

After he had eaten when he was going to clean his plate and the pan, the doorbell of their apartment rang. He looked at the time and it was 10pm. 'Who would it be at this time' wondering he went to answer the door but saw none. He stepped into the corridor and checked here and there, there was no one so when he was about to went back into the home he saw an envelope on the threshold of his apartment.

He picked it up which was addressed as 'To Rudra'. He wondered is there any other rudra live there in apartment building which was not him. He pondered who could send an envelope for him. But again it has written with his flat number so it must be for him, he confirmed.

Nonetheless he went into his room taking that envelope, after taking a seat on the bed he opened the envelope. It consists of a piece of yellow color paper with with beutiful cursive writing in blue written on it.

'come to the terrace in 15 minutes. I'll be waiting.' was what written there with the usual bunny smiley. He turned the paper front and back, up and down to found any other thing but found none. But it made him happy seeing at the bunny drawing. He thought finally he was going to meet his girl after an year of knowing her, though it was only through her gestures. He carefully stored that envelope in his cupboard.

He has no sign of loneliness which he was feeling minutes ago. His happiness had no limits at that time. He was smiling like a fool thinking he was going to meet her finally. He waste no time and dashed into the bathroom to have a nice and clean shower. He carefully selected his trousers and shirt. Applied his favourite perfume which smells like musky wood and damp forest. After 10 minutes he was all ready with gray colour round neck tshirt with full hands which was paired with black trousers and white shoes. He wanted to have a boyish look yet looking sophisticated. He wore his silver coloured watch on his left hand and went out locking the door.

His heart was dancing in happiness though his heartbeat was speeding up rapidly in anticipation. The small smile was never left his face.

At last when he went to the terrace he saw a.....

That's it for today, so what do you think he saw on the terrace. Finally is there going to be their meet!?

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Till the next chapter byebye 🙏

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