Ganesh Chaturthi

136 11 7

Author's POV:

When both the boys were reached to the pandal the girls started to gather around them. Some girls were just shook their heads, looking at them and continued their work, unbothered.

"Hi Rudra! How are you?" One girl exclaimed.

While other girl started to say "I heard you topped the college in the first year of PG."

"What's so surprising in that? He always topped the college be it UG or PG. Isn't it Rudra!?" Other girl exclaimed while trying to get attention from rudra in the end.

"I heard you're business is developing very fast. How do you manage to do this!" Another one tried to attract his attention by choosing the topic he loves.

Rudra was laughing awkwardly by nodding his head not knowing what to say. He looked at venu for help only to found his situation was also no better than him, by another group of girls. He looked around the girls to find any familiarity with their talks but found none. He sighed in disappointment of not finding his little bunny.

"Excuse me" he politely excused himself and went to the pandal to offer the Prayer followed by venu. He was looking at some of the girls who weren't giving attention to them and busy with their works to know if his little bunny was one of them. But it seems none of them were his bunny as they didn't even spare a glance at him. Sighing dejectedly they finish their Pooja and went back to their apartment.

Rudra's POV:

At lunch time the calling bell rang and I went to see who was that only to see that Latha aunty has came. I opened the door widely for her. She went into the house with a big smile carrying lot of bowls even uncle came with her carrying some boxes.

Latha aunty and sekhar uncle lives in the flat just beside ours with their two daughters. They were the first neighbours who welcomed us in the apartment. After knowing we were staying here without family for studies, the couple used to welcome us for lunch or dinner every now and then to make us feel at home and feel less homesick. But we just went there only once at first week of we moved here. She was a wonderful cook. We didn't talk much but unintentionally hide our family backgrounds from them too. After lot of years I felt motherly love from her and sekhar uncle was also a kind man who always smiles. We can always feel fatherly vibes from him whenever we talk with him. We don't know much about their daughters as when we went to their house for lunch, their daughters were already went to tuition, school has the benefit of weekends and holidays but not the tuitions. Even after knowing we hired someone to cook food and to help with household works, though Latha aunty felt somewhat relaxed but used to invite us for lunch in festivals or any occassions in their home.

We don't want to take their generosity for granted. So each time we politely declined their offer saying something or the other reason. Though we have to went to pavan's house is also a reason because of venu insists. Well all of our group knows what venu feels for pavan's little sister Lahari though we never voiced out with each other. So he insists us to go there whenever we got a free day.

So after few declines aunty took a revolutionary decision that instead of inviting us to their house she used to brought us whenever she cooks something delicious and even at festivals.

This is one of such day as it was Ganesh chaturthi, so she definitely would have brought all the items she cooked.

"Hi aunty!" Venu hugged her after me greeting her to which aunty caressed our cheeks and ruffled our hair lovingly with a smile.

"Why I'm feeling invisible!?" Uncle huffed out a sigh with an irritated look to which aunty and we laugh out loud.

"How could it even possible uncle. Actually we both are invisible infront of your handsomeness. You look very young in today's outfit uncle." Venu exclaimed applying a generous amount of extra butter for sekhar uncle, to which he just laughed and patted his shoulder saying he was too witty. Though he knows venu was joking he always take it positively and even responded like he believed what venu said and act accordingly. He was the best father material.

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