First Kiss

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Author's POV:

While Rudra was singing the national anthem with full patriotism, here Abhi was in different mood. She looked around them, some of the ignorants were looking at him and laughing while whispering to one another. They were gossipping about Rudra and laughing at him but Abhi felt they were laughing on her too because she was standing near to him. She felt insulted, she mentally made a note to not come to cinemas with Rudra, never. The thing is she didn't remove the scarf on her face yet, still she felt offended by people laughs.

She tried to pick and drag his sleeves to get his attention. She doesn't want to become a laughing stock because of him. She wanted him to stop singing and stand silently like her. She was embarrassed with him doing salute and singing like nothing matters at that time. Though he felt her tugging his sleeves, he remained silent and unbothered. He doesn't like when someone doesn't pay respect to their country but he hate someone who disturb the others who were respecting their country. But he controlled himself as it was their first date and he don't wanna upset her.

After saluting to the national flag everyone took their seats and the lights were completely turned off. The only lighting in the theatre was illuminating from the silver screen.

Rudra and Abhi also took their seats.

"Finally" Abhi heaved a relieved sigh while seating down.

"What happen!?" Rudra asked casually.

"Why are you playing a patriotic?" She asked in irritation.

"I'm not playing any patriotic, I was just respecting our country. It's our responsibility as this country's citizens." Rudra explained himself.

"Exactly! It's not like you were the only one who respects the country. Everyone of us does. But what is the need of saluting and singing loudly in public place. We became a laughing stock. Everyone was looking at us." Abhi irritatedly expressed while looking around the theatre to check if anyone was still looking at them. Rudra just heaved a sigh on her thinking.

"Look Abhi! We shouldn't feel embarrassed to accept what we are and to respect what we have. You don't need to be a patriotic to pay respect to the country. Patriotism is much more that normal people like us can handle. Ask the families of Indian defence whether they were Army, Navy, Airforce, BSF about patriotism. Only they can feel the real patriotism who can send their loved ones for the safety of country. Ask our defence forces who left their family behind to ensure our safety. They were ready to sacrifice their lives. The least we can do is respect our country whenever we get the chance. Okay!" Rudra told her like he was explaining a 5 year old kid. Abhi just shook her head and looked at the screen. Rudra was disappointed at her but looked at the screen.

Even after few minutes he couldn't really focus on the date. He thought, maybe he was over-reacted. He thought, everyone has their own opinions and it's her choice. He thought he shouldn't force her to do things which she didn't want to do. But the biggest part of his heart said, she was not like he dreamt her to be, through her letters. He took a long breath and looked at her only to get shocked. She still didn't removed her scarf.

"Umm, Abhi, I think you can remove that scarf now. You know there wasn't much light here. Even I can barely see your face clearly." He suggested not to offend her more than he already did. She didn't gave him two hoots and concentrated on the screen.

He didn't know what to do. He never thought of his first date like this. He wanted them to be happy. He wanted to talk with her. He wanted to see her laugh.

"I'm sorry Abhi. I think I over-reacted. If any situation like this happens again in future, I will try to stand as far away from you as possible to not to embarrass you. Okay!" He tried to coax her.

Dear Rudra..... (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now