Chapter 16

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They dragged me into the elevator that was beside the stair door Asher and I had just come through. I was thankful for that because there was no way I would be able to climb up those stairs. The tattoo guy pulled out one of those employee cards that I had before and clicked the very top level. The penthouse. Where Keagan's office was located. 

I watched as the man also placed a four digit code into the elevator. Watching him made me realise how my old plan before Asher decided to help would have been completely pointless as soon as I got to this point. There would have been no chance of me getting up here. 

The thought of what lay up there for me sent my heart was beating out of my chest and I couldn't help my hands from shaking. He could kill me straight away as soon as he saw me. I have not heard one good story about Keagan Lotes. The only thing that kept me sane was the fact that I have leverage. He knows I am the only one with knowledge of where his precious jewel is and he would want to get that information out of me first. I'm relying on that fact.

The guy behind me was holding my hands behind my back so tightly my fingertips had started to tingle from lack of blood. I tried to move and loosen his hold but he just responded by holding them even tighter. Ass.

The wound on my side had receded into a dull ache now. Maybe the dressing was helping or there was just so much adrenaline pumping through my system I couldn't feel the pain anymore.

The elevator door opened and the men marched me into an extravagant hallway. The wooden floors were sparkling and the walls were lined with photo frames and expensive art. We kept walking along until we reached two massive double doors; the handle was in the shape of a lion's head. Unusual.

"Should we go in Jeff?" asked the man holding me to the guy with the teardrop tattoo. So, that was his name.

"He said bring her straight to him, we don't have time to wait around," Jeff replied sternly but he seemed a bit reluctant to go inside too. I wonder what was happening in there.

"But Jeff," he objected and gestured to the closed doors.

"Remember last time we didn't do exactly what he said." Jeff gave him a serious look and he immediately conceded. 


Jeff scanned his card on the door and it unlocked. We walked through into blackness. It took my eyes a moment to readjust and only then was I able to use the small amount of light available. The room was huge and I knew it was just as grandiose as the other rooms. There was a large glass window spanning the back of the room that was covered by blinds. I haven't been in a place like this since my father was sent to prison. The room was strangely dark and I could just see some figures at the opposite end of the room see to the end of the room. But I couldn't make out their features or who they were. I couldn't see Keagan Lotes but I knew he was here. 

Suddenly, an earsplitting scream resounded through the penthouse walls. A scream that sounded like someone was in incredible amounts of pain. When the noise finally stopped it was replaced by an even more brutal cry of pain. I jumped back into the guy behind me expecting some meteor to come flying through the window.

"Please, stop!" someone begged. Then soon after another scream echoed around the room.

The men walked me further into the dark and as I approached the figures, their features illuminated and came into view. My hand flew to my mouth to stop the gasp of horror. There was a man lying on the floor chained down with shackles. The most horrifying thing was he was absolutely covered in blood. His body looked like he had been mutilated and some of his limbs were bent in places they shouldn't be. It took me a few moments before I could see through all the blood on the man's face but when I recognised him I tried not to gasp. It was Tony Leach, the town mayor. The man who took the position after my father.

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