Chapter 3

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My next few classes passed by relatively uneventfully. I was in the academic extension math class so there didn't seem to be any extroverted bullying nerds in that class. But no one did try to talk to me and I happily complied. Luckily, the water Asher spilt onto my bag didn't get into my books and it dried off after my first class. I couldn't believe he had done that to me, this guy was already bullying me.

By lunchtime I was exhausted and just wanted to escape this hell. I walked through the crowded cafeteria looking for a place to sit unnoticed but that was when I saw Asher sitting with a bulky dark-skinned guy with almost shaved black hair, I overheard his name was Logan and a girl with dark brown hair. They were sitting on the edge of the table Kiara, the guy who saved me from her earlier today and her group of friends. I darted my gaze away from seeing both of them so close together and turned around instantly, hoping they didn't see me and decide to make a spectacle of me again. I quickly exited the cafeteria and hid away in a secluded bench hidden within the trees where no one could see me.

When the bell rang to signal the end of lunch, my stomach hurled around and I knew I had to face everyone again. On my way through the corridors a big burly guy kept walking closer and closer to me until I was pushed into the lockers with no room to walk. I huffed and stopped moving until he walked off with a laughing smirk back at me. Taking a deep breath, I ran the rest of the way to my Psychology class and luckily, I arrived on time for this one.

I carefully chose a seat in the middle of the class with no one seated next to it. I pulled out all my gear, avoiding everyone's eyes so I didn't even know if people were staring at me and began busying myself with drawing in my notebook.

I was lost in another world of my thoughts when I felt the table jolt and someone slid into the seat next to me. My muscles instantly became rigid, expecting something to hit me.

"Hi, I'm Anila," chirped a girl happily, smiling right at me. My mouth fell open for a moment as I looked up to her, astounded that she was speaking so kindly to me. She was a short girl with dark brown hair pulled up into a high bun on the top of her head and she had round glasses that were hanging off the end of her nose. She pulled her bag off her shoulder, which had a cute Indian design which matched the style of her clothes.

"Oh, hello. I'm Cordelia," I replied uncertainly, unsure what her motives were for speaking to me. She smiled all too happily at me in return and I narrowed my eyes at her in suspicious.

"I'm sorry, but why are you talking to me?" I denounced, crossing my hands over my chest. Her eyebrows puckered together in response as if she didn't understand my question.

"I saw you were new here, just like me. I moved here from India a few weeks ago and I must admit it has been a struggle to find people that are willing to make new friends, everyone seem to already have their cliques. So, I thought we could be friends," she explained ending her speech with a grin and she seemed genuine. My suspicious gaze relaxed as I realised that she had no idea about why everyone hated me and given she just moved to this country she couldn't have any grudge against me either.

For the first time I smiled back at her, for the first time today feeling a sense of uplifting at the thought that maybe I could make one friend.

"That sounds like a brilliant idea," I replied and before Anila could respond the teacher started the class.

"For today's activity we will be moving into groups of four and we will be categorising the statements on the board into which Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development phases they fit into," the teacher explained and clasping his hands together to motion for us to get started.

"We can be in a group together," Anila decided beside me. "But we need two more people." She spun around to face the students behind us and asked them if they wanted to be in a group together, they agreed. I reluctantly turned around to the others and was greeted by the face of the older looking boy with the bold head who saved me in the hall this morning. He acknowledged me with a nod of his head.

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