Chapter 6

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Asher's face was blank, giving nothing away. But I did notice that his back was held straighter than usual and his hands were rigid by his side. I glared at him as his eyes watched me with his soft rounded cheeks and emotionless blue eyes. My eyes began to water from the anger that raged through me, I couldn't believe he would do this to me. That he could have been just on the other side of that door when someone was nearly torturing me. He must have had something to do with this, he must have told his dad about me. He knew this was going to happen, he tried to warn me.

Asher walked straight towards me and grabbed one of my hands, holding it down to the chair. He looked down at me, his dark blue piercing into mine and his face was so serious, so void of emotion that I didn't know what he was going to do next. I struggled and tried to yank my hand away from his but he just held me down with more pressure. He pulled out a knife from his pocket and my heart jolted, was he going to torture me next? He tilted his head to the side and his dark hair fell over his eyes. After a staring at me for a long moment he reached the knife down and cut through the ropes that held my hand down and then the other one.

He dropped down onto his knees and cut free the ropes that restrained my legs. Once I was free, I didn't immediately stand up because my muscles had become a dead weight from all the stress. Asher stood up and waited for me to stand. But when I didn't move, a knot formed on his forehead and he reached down to me to wound his hands under my arms and wrapped them around my back, lifting me up.

I didn't fight him. I was too exhausted. I just allowed him to lift my limp body up and into his, where he repositioned his arm around my waist. He doesn't say anything as he walked me out of the room, holding up most of my weight. The shock of what I had just gone through hit me in a wave of tiredness and my eyes became as heavy as the rest of my body. I needed to rest my head onto Asher's shoulder and close my eyes. I heard him open the door and I flittered my eyes open to see as we stepped out into a sterile white hallway of a hospital.

The hallway was deserted, currently not being used for anything other than torturing people. There were a few long rectangular windows at the top of the walls where some moonlight was streaming through but other than that the hallway was dark. Asher walked me past rows and rows of rooms, which must be hospital rooms until he stopped before one. He looked down to me, where I lifted my head off his shoulder.

"Can you stand on your own?" he asked, his voice flat, almost dead sounding. I nodded and he released his hand from around my waist. I swayed on the spot for a moment and needed to grab the wall for support. Asher pulled out a key from his pocket and unlocked the door before returning to me, wrapping his hand around my waist again.

But I was feeling much steadier on my feet and I didn't need him anymore so I shoved his hand off me and moved into the room. Asher flickered on the light from behind me and the room became illuminated with harsh industrial light. I noticed a small hospital like bed that sat in the far corner and draws of medical equipment. This looked like a doctor's room.

"You can sit on the bed," he offered as he moved over to the draws and began rummaging through them, pulling out different bits of supplies. I collapsed onto the bed and rested my back against the wall that the bed was resting beside. I dropped my head back into the wall and closed my eyes, trying to take a few deep breaths to calm down. My body still felt like it was in its fight or flight response and I tried to tell myself that whatever just happened to me was over now.

Asher turned back to me and sat down on a wheelie chair that was next to the bed. He pushed his black hair out of his face and reached out to grab my arm, the one that had been cut into. Pain stabbed through my arm and I flinched away from him, snatching my arm back and glaring at him.

"Sorry," he muttered, but still reached out to grab my arm again. I didn't let him and put my back furthest to him and eventually he sighed dropping both his hands to his side.

When The Gang Leader's Son Hates YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon