Chapter 9

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By the following day Anila had already hacked into the Lotes casino security system. I couldn't believe it, she was amazing. I ended up telling her everything about Neil Blaketon and why I needed her access into the Lotes casino. She swore her secrecy to me not to tell anyone as she knew my mom's life was on the line.

She was able to give me a printed-out layout of the casino which labelled Keagan's office which on the top floor, penthouse. That was all I needed. I just needed to get to that level, find Keagan and ask him for the favour for my dad. For the first time since this horror started, I had a plan.

Anila going to keep an eye on me on the cameras and ring me if anything looked suspicious. That night I told my mom that I was going to stay over at Anila's house the next Saturday night and that was when I was going to take a bus into the city and go to the Lotes casino. I spent the night after school as I did every night, going through all the information I had on Keagan Lotes and our plan to find him. But just before I went to bed, my mom literally shouted at the top of her lungs asking if I had any panadol and ruined my flow. 

I quickly shoved all my notes, plans and information underneath my school work before I went to check on her. I knew she must be unwell if she wasn't able to get up and knock on my door. 

She had a horrendous migraine and asked me to quickly dart down to the service station down the road and grab her some Panadol. I sighed but happily complied, I knew how bad her migraines were when they were bad, she couldn't even move off the couch.

I chucked on some presentable clothes and trudged down the stairs of our apartment building. It was a warm night with a light breeze and the piece of the night was welcome company on my walk to the petrol station. When I arrived, the door dinged alerting the worker on my entrance. An older man with a strong Asian accent was behind the counter and there was a lady who was buying her petrol.

I found the Panadol and just as I was walking up to the counter to line up behind the lady, a loud bang erupted from the entrance. What I saw left me so horrified, I dropped my Panadol.

Three men in balaclava's and holding guns stormed into the store. The first man that entered was tall with large bulky muscles, he was someone I would avoid on the street. The one behind him was still muscular but lankier and walked with a confidence that made this seem boring for him. The last guy was the shortest and I could see long blonde hair falling out from the back of his balaclava.

"Get on the floor now," the blonde one bellowed at us. My muscles froze in shock from the fear that made my heart pound. The others in the store seemed to be in the same shock I was and none of us were able to move. The guy growled and shot his gun into the ceiling, the sound resounding with the loud bang that shattered through the night and into my knees, making me fall to the ground instantly. The other woman in the store screamed and dropped to the floor, hiding her head into her hands.

The older man from behind the counter was the only one who didn't drop to the floor, his face was set in hard determination to fight against these men. My heart jumped in my chest in fear for the man as the men faced their guns at the cashier.

"I said get on the floor," demanded the blonde man, waving his gun in the face of the cashier. But the cashier didn't give in, he pulled out something from under his desk. A gun.

Before the cashier could do anything with the gun, the lankier guy acted fast. He stepped right up to the counter and punched the cashier in the face. He flew to the floor, his gun falling out of his hand.

I gasped as my breathing stopped, waiting for him to get back up but he didn't. The men weren't worried about the cashier, they were talking among themselves. The bulkiest man stood guard at the front of the shop and the blonde-haired guy pulled out a tool from his black gym looking bag.

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