Chapter 19

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"Cordelia, look at this," my mother yelled from the kitchen, there was an undercurrent of panic in her tone. I was currently in my room trying to yank my shirt over my head and failing miserably. The bullet wound was aching while I tried to move my hands up. 

"One second," I called back, chucking the tight shirt away and choosing another baggy top that easily went over my head and rushed out to the living room. My mom was staring at the television with her hand over her mouth. Instantly I become alert, my back straightening. 

"What happened?" I asked, urgently. What happened now?

"I can't believe it. Tony Leach was found murdered in his home, the mayor. Poor Clarissa." Mom's hands were shaking as she watched the ongoing scenes. I ran my hand down my mouth, I guess it was a matter of time before all of this came out.

"Oh my god," I gasped. It wasn't much of a lie; the scenes they were showing were horrific. Though not as bad as what I had witnessed. Somehow Keagan Lotes had staged the murder so everyone believes the mayor died in his home and not at Keagan's casino. They really can get away with anything these people.

"I can't believe this just happened, just six months after your father was kicked out of the mayor job too," mom gulped. She was right, there was something fishy going on with this mayor job. When Neil Blaketon had me kidnapped and tortured, he only wanted to know one thing. If my father had told me anything about the transition. That means my father was apart of this and it means Neil Blaketon had something big in store. 

Something he couldn't risk even a teenage girl knowing. If I had known anything about the transition, I'm sure he would have killed me on the spot. And there was the time when he had his gang members all rob stores in the city. Why would he need to be stealing more money? On top of the twenty million he asked me to get for him. Why does he need so much money? 

Which leads to think about what I saw saw in that box labeled the transition, something that I couldn't ignore anymore. My mother and father's signatures were in the name of known Neil Blaketon's gang buildings and authorising shipments of illegal guns. My mother had a part in this or had a part. She told me she never had any knowledge about my father's wrong doings. But I also couldn't just assume that she did have a part, she could have been manipulated by my father. In that box was even a picture of a previous mayor. 

I looked over at my mom and her horrified expression as she watched the TV. She knew the Tony Leach, they were all apart of an elite circle when my father was apart of it to and so was Neil. I had seen them all multiple times at functions at my house. Never did I think that they were all apart of something sinister. These were supposed to be the people who protected this town and worked towards making this city the best it could be. Not abuse it for selfish reasons.

I had to turn away from my mother and the TV that started reporting on the new town private hospital and fire station that was opening soon as if our town mayor being murdered wasn't major news. 

I took a deep breath as I ran my hand down my face. Everything that happened that night at Keagan's casino was haunting me. Nothing made sense anymore.

I couldn't ask mom about it because then she will ask how I knew about this and she couldn't know what I have got myself caught up in. She might start digging and Neil could find out and kill her if she starts looking into the transition. I didn't just go through that ordeal at the casino for her just to be put into harms way again. This was my problem. I needed to talk to someone who can't tell anyone else either. 

Someone like Asher. 


I walked to school with a churning stomach. From anticipation or fear I didn't quite know. I wanted to see him but I don't know if everything would go back to how it was before. Will Asher return to bullying me again? 

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