Chapter 26

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I didn't have time to fully panic about what Asher had said because in that moment we turned the corner into the school parking lot. It was then that we saw what had happened at the high school. I heard Asher suck in a shocked breath beside me and my heart froze in my chest as my lips parted. Fear and foreboding rose up in my stomach, making my chest swirl with nausea.

The school parking lot was in chaos. It was filled with police cars, an ambulance and vans of news reporters. The blue and red lights of the cop cars were continuously flashing, the harsh lights reflecting all around sending a sense of panic through me. Students were scattered around, grouped together in tight circles or hanging around nervously. 

Some had expressions of fear on their faces and others just looked shocked. Most of the crowd was filled with students, news reporters and worried parents and they had all congregated a meter away from the high school entrance. It was there that it had been taped off with police tape. No one was allowed in the high school.

"What on earth is going on?" I gasped, with a quiver of fear in my tone. Asher didn't reply, I just heard him gulp as he pulled us into the crowded parking lot and cut the engine. The noise outside became thunderous, everyone around us was talking in hyped up voices, mixed in with blaring police sirens. I turned to Asher when he didn't reply to see his face had turned stone white.

I had a bad feeling this had something to do with Neil.

Opening the car door, I surged out the car and slammed the door shut behind me. I needed to know what was going on.

I hurried towards the commotion in a panic. I didn't know why I was so worried, but this was exactly what I have been dreading. Neil might have already put his plan into action.

I felt Asher's familiar arm wrap around my waist and pull me tightly into his side. I glanced up at him to see him staring down at me, his eyes intense.

"Stay with me," he whispered.

I nodded back at him, wrapping my arm around him.

We walked up to Brad who was talking animatedly to his friend just on the outskirts of the crowds. Brad turned to us and immediately stopped talking as we approached.

"What is going on?" I asked Brad in a frenzy. He glanced to Asher for a moment before he turned his gaze back to me.

"They found a pool of blood in a classroom and smears of it along the ground where they dragged the body away. They suspect someone was murdered. It's now a crime scene in there," he declared ominously. My mouth dropped open.

"Oh my gosh," I gasped, my hands covering my mouth. Why would someone be murdered in our school?

"Who was killed?" I sputtered. Brad's lips turned down into a frown as he answered.

"A teacher. Mrs. Elliot."

My stomach contracting in on itself, taking my breath away, horrified that this had happened. Who would want to hurt Mrs Elliot? A muscle in Asher's jaw clenched as he and Brad shared a meaningful look.

"What's happening over there?" I wondered, walking over to the police tape to see why everyone was congregated there but was stopped when a hand grabbed my wrist.

"Don't go over there," Brad objected. My eyebrows pinched in confusion as I looked back at him. My stomach dropped, what had happened now?

"Why?" I asked, suspiciously. Brad took a step closer to me, his face the most dire I had ever seen it.

"Just trust me," he spoke with urgency. That just made me even more panicked but I needed to know, not knowing would be worse. I huffed and stormed past him.

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