Chapter 15

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I closed my eyes and cringed away from the bullet, expecting horrific pain. But after a long moment, my eyebrows pinched together when I didn't feel anything. I was still alive. A clump sounds from beside me and I snapped my eyes open to see the gun of the man who was about to shoot me lying on the floor. A second later, the man's body followed and he collapsed to the floor as he passed out.

I pulled my head back in confusion and darted my gaze to the other side of the corridor back towards the vent. Sprinting down the corridor ten metres away from me was none other than Asher.

He had his gun raised out in front of him, still ready to fire again if anyone else appeared. He had shot the gang member. Relief so strong washed through me that I slumped my head back against the wall as my entire body relaxed. I'm safe.

His blue eyes were focused on me and his hair was streaming out of his face as he ran me.

"Well, it's about bloody time," I grumbled when he reached me. Asher's gaze was fixated on my face and I noticed his cheeks were red from exertion.

Asher's eyes flickered away from mine when another man rounded the corner and reached to grab me. His eyes were only focused on me and he wasn't aware of Asher standing there. Asher stepped forwards and punched the man right in the jaw with so much force the man knocked out and collapsed to the floor. Asher's eyes were narrowed and his hands were still in fists at his side as his body stood rigid as he glared down at the man.

All the while I was still sitting on the floor with blood seeping through my hands that was holding onto my wound and onto the floor around me. I tried to cover my wound up some more with my shirt but I groaned when I just dug the fabric further into my cut.

Asher's head snapped straight to me and the anger lines on his face disappeared and were replaced with concerned ones when he saw me. His narrowed eyes followed my hands until they landed on my gun wound.

When Asher realised what it was his eyes widened and he sank to his knees before me, reaching for my stomach. He glanced up at me with something close to fear in his eyes. It was a certain vulnerability I had never seen in him before.

"Are you okay?" Asher asked softly.

"Yeap. As healthy as a horse." I tried to smile through the pain but it just turned into a cringe. Asher gave me a flat look.

"You look nowhere near as healthy as a horse. More like a dying hyena." I just glared back at him. I raised my good hand to punch him but it just jolted my body and I cried out in pain. Asher's stare instantly turned serious and he reached for my bloodied hand that was holding the wound and curled his warm hand around it. My eyelids fluttered from the warmth of his hand enveloping mine and he carefully lifted my hand off my stomach with a gentle touch.

I squeezed my eyes shut from the pain but it soon subsided. When the pain eased, I opened my eyes to see Asher's bright ones staring straight into mine. He dropped his gaze to my wound again and wiped my bloody hand onto his paints and rested my hand on his leg. I sat there unmoving, just letting him continue because I didn't have any fight left in me and he seemed to know what he was doing.

My shirt had sunk into the wound so when Asher lifted it up it stung like I had been shot again. I released a small hiss and cringed, turning my head into the wall.

"I'm sorry. I just need to stop the bleeding," Asher explained gently. I turned to look at him to find him staring straight into my face with concern radiating from his. I nodded at him to continue.

"It's only a flesh wound you will be fine once I stop the bleeding." Asher then forcefully ripped half of his shirt off and wound it behind my back as if he was about to tie it around my waist. He only had half a torn shirt remaining and it revealed the bottom half of his chest. The bottom of his abs were visible as they snuck out from his shirt and my eyes drew to his defined torso. In my disoriented state I wanted to reach out and touch his stomach.

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